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           – whether close because of love or   teachings on impermanence, then   dharma teachings (like mindfulness
           hate, that’s a different question! It’s   you won’t necessarily notice this   meditation and lojong practices),
           a call to show more patience and   fundamental truth.               you imagine being a buddha in
           kindness to those around me.                                        what’s called deity yoga or guru
                                             So mind training broadly involves   yoga: joining your mind-stream
           And living well in this lifetime needs   first developing the skills of   with that of the guru in the form of
           to include taking thought for future   mindfulness, then applying them by   a buddha, like Avalokiteśvara, Tarā
           lifetimes. There’s a big difference   bringing a topic to mind, reflecting   or Amitābha. In this kind of practice,
           between doing some mindfulness    on it analytically, and when you   you’re not reflecting on the qualities
           meditation to lower my blood      begin to feel the truth you’re    of this buddha. You are this buddha,
           pressure vs. to notice impermanence   reflecting on, you then rest in that   transforming your perception of the
           and get ready to leave this lifetime   state of realization. This would be   world into their pure land and of all
           well so I’m more likely to wake up in   the approach in a formal meditation   beings into your fellow buddhas.
           the bardo states between lifetimes   session, whether you’re training
           or at least land in a future life with   with a lojong slogan or any other   Often people want to start with
           practice opportunities.           form of cultivating insight.      these kinds of practices because
                                                                               they’re described as the best and
           Mindfulness meditation is popular   It’s also vital to maintain some   most effective – not just in modern
           in the West and traces its roots to   awareness of the topic you’re   times but at least since tantra was
           early Buddhism. How is Tibetan    investigating as you go about     popularized in Tibet beginning
           mind training (lojong) compared   your daily life, and that’s one   as early as the sixth or seventh
           to mindfulness meditation?        way mindfulness meditation can    century CE. But this isn’t where you
                                             be helpful: you’ve cultivated the   should start! Ideally you’d want a
           Since mindfulness can mean so     ability to come back to the present   solid conceptual understanding of
           many different things, I’ll define it   moment and back to your object of   the dharma and some meditative
           here as the capacities to (a) focus   meditation.                   experiences of emptiness and
           the mind and (b) notice when                                        bodhichitta so that you don’t just
           your focus has slipped off your   As Tantra is probably one of the   become full of yourself, thinking
           object and bring it back. And for   most misunderstood teachings    you’re special because you’re a
           those who aren’t familiar with    in Tibetan Buddhism, how          buddha. This kind of practice only
           lojong meditations, there are     do you explain what Tantra        works well when it’s powered by the
           some pithy slogans you can use to   is to someone new to Tibetan    deep desire to become awakened
           support these practices (you’ll find   Buddhism?                    quickly in order to benefit all beings
           lists, books, and other resources                                   as soon as possible.
           if you Google “lojong”), but for   The way I’d distinguish Buddhist
           simplicity’s sake let’s just talk   tantra is, first of all, by calling it   From a practice perspective, if
           about the core practice of reflecting   “Vajrayāna,” meaning the Vajra   someone has just started practicing
           on impermanence.                  (Diamond or Thunderbolt) Vehicle:   Tibetan Buddhism, I’d suggest
                                             a path characterized by intense   developing a strong foundation
           Mindfulness practice offers a     practices that bring fast results, the   through listening to and reading
           lot of opportunities to notice    most advanced practices of Tibetan   teachings, reflecting on them,
           impermanence: the rising and      Buddhism.                         and cultivating their capacity for
           falling of the breath, thoughts                                     meditation. Once they felt ready,
           developing and dissolving,        In Vajrayāna practices, rather than   they might look into doing the
           sensations in the body, etc. But   relying on the conceptual mind to   Foundational Practices (Ngon-dro)
           if you’re never introduced to     focus on an object and reflect on   under the guidance of a teacher since
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