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           Bhante Gunaratana giving teachings at Bhavana Society

                                             Rare things in

                                             the World

                                             By Venerable Dr H Gunaratana Maha Thera

           Bhante Henepola Gunaratana        Bhante Gunaratana is an           In 1985, Bhante G co-founded
           is the founding abbot of the      internationally recognized author   the Bhavana Society and became
           Bhavana Society. Born in rural Sri   and meditation teacher. Prior to   its abbot. He wanted to teach
           Lanka, he has been a monk since   coming to the United States, he   meditation in an environment
           age 12 and took full ordination   spent five years doing missionary   allowing for longer retreats
           at age 20 in 1947. He came to the   work with the Harijanas         and intense practice free from
           United States in 1968. “Bhante    (Untouchables) of India and       the trappings of a city vihara.
           G” (as he is fondly called by his   ten years in Malaysia. He has   He continues to teach in the
           students) has written a number of   taught in a number of settings,   direct, compassionate style that
           books, including the now-classic   including the Buddhist Vihara    characterizes his books and
           meditation manual Mindfulness     of Washington D.C. where he       articles. Bhante G conveys a well-
           In Plain English and its          served as president, the American   rounded approach to Buddhist
           companion Eight Mindful Steps     University in Washington D.C.     Dhamma, touching on all aspects
           to Happiness. Bhante G regularly   where he served as Buddhist      of the Noble Eightfold Path. He
           leads retreats on Vipassanā,      chaplain and also earned a Ph.D.   emphasizes Mettā bhavana (the
           mindfulness, Mettā (loving-       in philosophy, and at meditation   cultivation of loving-friendliness)
           friendliness), concentration, and   centers worldwide. Bhante G has   as a basis for sammā-samādhi, or
           other topics both at the Bhavana   a strong scholarly background    right concentration. As a teacher,
           Society.                          and lifelong commitment to        he is known for his emphasis both
                                             dhamma.                           on samadhi and on Mettā as part
                                                                               of spiritual training.
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