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                                             that Kongtrül’s method will work.   May we all become Buddhas.”
                                             I know it will work. I’ve used it again
                                             and again. Of course, there are days   For me, this unhooks the feeling of
                                             when I’m so upset about something   “I’ve been practicing for so many
                                             I don’t want to use it. But I have to.   years but I can’t get on top of my
                                             Because that’s the way to sanity.  anger.”

                                             You can even use this method      If you have anger, it’s not the end of
                                             without full sincerity, through   everything. You don’t have to stop
                                             gritted teeth. Any way you use it   practicing because you’re angry. Use
                                             will create a momentum of change   the formula, take hold of the anger,
                                             within you.                       and turn it into an aspiration. Don’t
                                                                               sit there and feel bad that you’re not
                                             This technique can also be used to   further along in your practice. Do
                                             generate compassion for yourself.   something with that feeling instead.
                                             “May my mistake, this thing I just
                                             goofed up on, contain the mistakes of   Source: Tricycle, Winter 2018. www.
                                             all sentient beings, and by working Published with the
                                             through this feeling of mistake, may   kind permission of Lama Kathy.
                                             I and all sentient beings be free of it.   Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche  EH

                                              Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche Jikmé Chökyi Senge was born in 1966, as
                                              the grandson of Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. A dream that Dilgo
                                              Khyentse Rinpoche had one night while staying near the Bodhnath
                                              stupa indicated that his grandson was be the combined emanation of
                                              the three main lamas from Shechen Monastery who had all perished
                                              in Chinese prisons in the early sixties—the previous Shechen Rabjam,
                                              Shechen Kongtrul, and Shechen Gyaltsap, Gyurme Pema Dorje. This
                                              was later confirmed by the 16th Karmapa.

           Shechen Rabjam began receiving teachings from his grandfather, who raised him, at the age of three. For 25
           years, he received teachings and empowerments and attended drupchen with Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. He
           first went to the West with him in 1976.

           In 1980, when Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche built Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling Monastery in Baudhnath,
           Kathmandu, Nepal, Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche became its abbot. Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche is the seventh
           in the line of the Rabjam succession. After Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche passed away in 1991, Shechen Rabjam
           Rinpoche endeavored to secure the transmission of his teachings and his vision of Tibetan Buddhist culture.
           Over the last ten years, Shechen Monastery has been enriched with a shedra, a school for sacred dancing,
           rituals and chants, a thangka painting school, and a medical clinic.

           Rinpoche was in Malaysia in November 2018, and kindly agreed to be interviewed by Eastern Horizoon.
           We thank KL Lim for carrying out the interview.
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