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           prostration in such condition. She replied, “When I   In anything or any products there are fake and real ones.
           think that Guru Rinpoche actually visited this place   Let me relate one example (of experience with real and
           and that the ground I am doing prostrations on is the   fake). I translated one of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche’s
           very place his precious feet touched, I feel as if he just   teachings into Chinese and it was produced as a book.
           walked by and that the earth is still warm with his   I was very proud of it but when I walked into a book
           footprints. I don’t feel or notice anything else.”   store, it was placed next to a fake guru’s book.

           Rabjam Rinpoche said that was an example of pure vision.  I felt very discouraged. How can my guru’s book,
                                                              which is like a real Buddha’s book be next to a fake
           Malaysia has been blessed with many gurus and      guru’s book? But later, I received a lot of response
           dharma masters from all Buddhist traditions who    from devotees in China who read the book and were
           visit our country from time to time, and some stayed   inspired by Khyentse Rinpoche’s teaching. They were
           on to start centers and continue teaching. While it   even spurred by this inspiration to go to Bhutan (to visit
           is always auspicious to meet authentic gurus, many   places related with Khyentse Rinpoche) even though
           Buddhists tend to go guru shopping, hoping that    they couldn’t speak a word of English.
           they will find the right guru. Obviously this is not
           the best way to study or practice the Dharma. What   So it has to be karma to choose this or that (in their
           is your advice as a guru for such Buddhists?       case, choice of book). It has to be karmic connection (in

                                                              which one is drawn to either real or fake).
           Google ‘guru’. (hahaha)
           As a guru? I always try to emphasize for practitioners   You wrote a book called The Great Medicine,
           not to see me personally as their guru. I’m like a bridge,   A Remedy That Conquers Clinging to Reality
           a connection to my guru because my guru is authentic.   (Shambhala, 2007) which was very well received
           That, I know.                                      internationally. Can you tell us the essence of the
                                                              book, and why you wrote it?
           So what I try to do (for the connection with authentic
           gurus) is always mention the name of guru a few times,   I didn’t really write the book. It is based on talks I gave on
           so that practitioners can hear and connect with my   inspiring teachings by Shechen Gyaltsap Pema Namgyal,
           guru. From my point of view, my guru is no different   the first root teacher of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
           from the Buddha or Guru Rinpoche. So I feel that I’m   [Editor’s Note: Ven Matthieu Ricard wrote in the
           just making the connection.                        Foreword of the book that volumes of Shechen Gyaltsap’s
                                                              writings were found and brought out of Tibet. Among
           Unfortunately, there are also fake gurus. How do we   these was a collection of pieces of spiritual advice that
           know if a guru is authentic or fake?               included The Great Medicine that Conquers Clinging to

                                                              Reality, a profound and elegant elucidation of the relative
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