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           Elders, preserved from the First
           Council up until the Second Council.
           The 10,000 monks whose views
           on the Vinaya were denounced in
           the Second Council formed a new
           faction, calling themselves the
           “Majority Saṅgha” (Mahāsaṅghika,
           the predecessor to the Mahāyāna).
           Thus, two schools of Buddhism
           formed: the Mahāsaṅghika and the

           Furthermore, 236 years after the
           Buddha’s Parinibbāna the Third
           Buddhist Council was convened
           by Indian Emperor Asoka in
           Pātaliputta. Headed by Arahant
           Moggalīputta Tissa with the
           participation of 1,000 Arahants, it
           lasted for nine months. Later on,
           Arahant Mahinda, son of Emperor
           Asoka, who was fortunate enough
           to become Enlightened the very day
           he received ordination, and who
           learned and committed to memory
                                             Matale, Sri Lanka from 440-454 B.E.   It is clear when studying the
           the entire Tipiṭaka in only three
                                             during the reign of King Valagambā;   suttas that the Buddha taught
           years, came to Sri Lanka to spread
                                             500 Arahants presided over by     the Dhamma with three distinct
           the Dhamma. As a result of Arahant
                                             Arahant Kuntagatta Tissa wrote    goals in mind. First, to guide his
           Mahinda’s successful Dhamma
                                             down the Dhamma and Vinaya        disciples to achieve success in
           propagation, millions of Arahants
                                             in Pāli for the first time on palm   this life. Second, to gain rebirth in
           were born in Sri Lanka.
                                             leaves. Thus, the Dhamma and      the heavenly worlds after death.
                                             Discipline transmitted through the   Third, to realize the Dhamma
           Later, however, a famine struck Sri
                                             oral tradition beginning at the First   and gain liberation from all
           Lanka. Many Arahants died during
                                             Council comes down to us today    suffering. With these objectives
           this famine while the few who
                                             in written form in the Theravāda   in mind, not only did he teach his
           escaped to South India survived.
                                             Tipiṭaka.                         Dhamma to monks and nuns
           The monks who survived the famine
                                                                               who had renounced the household
           realised that the continuance of the
                                             Many young people tend to think   life, but he also taught lay people
           teaching as an oral tradition was no
                                             of Buddhism as more suited for    living amidst society with jobs,
           longer safe. The surviving Arahants
                                             older people or those who are     family, and various obligations.
           convened and recited the teachings
                                             interested in a monastic lifestyle.   Having heard the Dhamma, some
           in a landmark event in the history
                                             While this is not true, how do we   gave up lay life and ordained as
           of Buddhism at the Fourth Buddhist
                                             change this public misconception   monks and nuns to fully commit
           Council, where arrangements were
                                             and explain that the Buddha’s     to the practice, whereas most
           made to commit the Dhamma to
                                             teachings are for all mankind?    practiced the Dhamma as lay
           writing.  Then, at the Alu Vihāra,
                                                                               disciples while leading their day-
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