Page 31 - EH58
P. 31
as one who seeks wealth both
righteously and unrighteously:
though skilled in amassing wealth
and achieving financial success he
lacks the eye that aids in spiritual
development. He therefore indulges
in sensual pleasures with wealth
gained by unrighteous means,
resulting in rebirth in the planes
of misery after death. The Buddha
only praised the two-eyed person
who possesses the eye to gain
wealth righteously by one’s own
exertion, and also has the eye
to discern merit from demerit,
wholesome from unwholesome.
He alone is destined to be born
in a good destination, a place of
happiness. Thus, possessing both
eyes he enjoys both financial and
spiritual success.
Hence the Teachings of the Buddha
are not limited to the elderly or the
monastic, they are rather a treasure
to-day lives. Many were even happy family life, how to manage
trove of advice and guidance from
successful in attaining fruits of the one’s finances, and what qualities to
which all can benefit.
path. In fact, out of the population look for in friends.
of 80 million that lived in the
You have started many
Kingdom of Kosala in the time of Another classic example of the light
monasteries overseas, including
the Buddha, 50 million had attained of wisdom the Teachings of the
the first Buddhist centre in the
fruits of the path. What is even Buddha shine upon all mankind,
UAE (Dubai), a Muslim country.
more remarkable is that many irrespective of age or occupation is
I understand the targeted group
among them were young. the Andhūpama Sutta in Aṅguttara
is the Sri Lankan community
Nikāya. In this sutta the Buddha
overseas. What about the
A read through the Sigālaka Sutta describes three kinds of persons
missionary activities targeted
or a peek into the Aṅguttara found existing in the world: the
at the local people in these
Nikāya, containing a host of blind person, the one-eyed person,
non-Buddhist countries? How
suttas addressing the concerns of and the two-eyed person. The
are these missionary activities
household life, would rectify the Buddha describes the blind person
carried out?
misconception that Buddhism is as one who has failed to achieve
only for those with a predilection either financial or spiritual success
We have established 30 monasteries
toward monasticism. The in life. Thus, he lives unsuccessful
overseas in countries such as USA,
Buddha’s peerless wisdom not and unhappy in this life and also
Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand,
only encompassed the attainment destined to be born in the planes
France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands,
of Nibbāna but also ranged such of misery after death. The Buddha
Cyprus, UAE, India, and South
mundane matters as how to live a describes the one-eyed person