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           and absolute bodhicitta, the enlightened mind.]    motivation again and again. That way, we can get back
           I did commentaries and tried to explain the teachings.   on track.
           These were then put together into a book. The
           commentaries condensed the teachings and made it   Of late, there is much emphasis on urgency of
           easy to understand and made it practical too.      practice for Dharma practitioners. For example,
                                                              Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche (the incarnation of
           In this book, you mentioned that Dhamma            Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche) emphasized in a teaching
           practitioners can lose sight of their goal of      in Singapore in late 2018 on the need for practice,
           transformation of the mind. This happens when      to be better human beings, to use our time and our
           they get involved in many different kinds of       precious human life meaningfully. Is the urgency of
           practices and also fuel self-importance competing   practice on the decline?
           for power and fame in setting up and serving
           Buddhist centers. Is such form of spiritual        I don’t think it is on the decline. I would say it is more
           materialism one of the greatest challenges to      challenging for practice.
           Dharma and Dharma practitioners today? What is
           your advice to these practitioners?                The world is becoming smaller, not shrinking physically

                                                              but connected with technologically advanced equipment
           Checking our motivation again and again is very    like the smart phone and social media platforms and
           important.                                         channels like We Chat, Facebook etc.

           Everybody starts a religious practice, or a business, or   We are connected everywhere. We have more power
           whatever endeavors with the notion that they will be   (in our hands). This makes it more challenging in
           happier if they can achieve whatever they set out to do.   commitment to Dharma practice. If one goes to Tibet, it
           Nobody thinks that it can bring suffering.         will be boring if one doesn’t perform one’s practice as
           This is the same with dharma practice. We think that   there is nothing to do. But here, one has to fight (with
           through dharma practice, we can gain some happiness   distractions) to practice. Isn’t this so? Distractions
           and ultimately, enlightenment. Sometimes, (unaware)   are just too much. Therefore, I would say it’s more
           we get into spiritual materialism. So, I think the best   challenging.
           thing is to check our intention, again and again.
                                                              Any final advice for Buddhists in Malaysia on

           [Editor’s Note: Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche in his book   how best they should study and practice the
           Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism (Shambhala,   Buddha Dharma so that they can experience the
           2002) referred to spiritual materialism as “a distorted,   true blessings of the Buddha’s teachings in their
           ego-centered version of spirituality” in which we can   everyday life?
           “deceive ourselves into thinking we are developing
           spiritually when instead we are strengthening our   Like I have mentioned earlier, Buddha Dharma practice
           egocentricity through spiritual techniques”.]      is not only for temporary gain or success. The real and
                                                              genuine practice is to attain enlightenment.
           I mentioned in the (Great Medicine) book that Dilgo
           Khyentse Rinpoche will talk about motivation again   Of course, there are some rituals to help us on the path
           and again before he goes into the main teaching. For   of Dharma practice. And yes, one can be drawn towards
           example, if the main teaching is like five minutes, he   temporary gain like success, but do not get side-
           will delve on motivation for five minutes. That really   tracked from the main purpose of practice for ultimate
           tells us that we have to check why we started in the first   Buddhahood. That, we have to remind ourselves, again
           place and what is our motivation. We have to check our   and again. EH
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