Page 28 - EH58
P. 28


           You established Mahamevnawa       the Buddha, Gurulugomi, in the 12    praise that it was well said; the
           Buddhist Monastery in 1999 to     century, there is a beautiful simile   true credit goes to the Buddha. If
           benefit human beings through      for the Teachings of the Buddha:   he who gives a Dhamma talk were
           the teachings of Buddha. In what   A messenger of the King arrives   to tell his own thing in the name
           way is this monastery different   at a village with a royal decree.   of the Dhamma, he will misguide
           from the many other thousands     Thereafter, all the villagers assemble   his listeners and thus exploit the
           of monasteries in Sri Lanka?      to listen to this royal decree. From   natural tendency of people to

                                             amongst the villagers, they find only   choose a person as their savior.
           When I established the            one person who can read, and they   Here in Mahamevnawa, we have
           Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastic     choose him to read the royal decree.   no intention to enact our own
           Order, I did not seek to emulate   Then he reads out the royal decree   decree; we teach the royal decree,
           any other institution in the world.   to the people and they praise him   the decree of the Buddha, the Lord
           Before I began Mahamevnawa, I     for reading it out, but it actually   of the Dhamma—that’s what sets
           had spent many years in forest    carries the words of the King. How   apart Mahamevnawa from other
           monasteries associating with      is he praised? They praise him thus:   monasteries in Sri Lanka.
           various monks. During this period, I   “Well said!” That’s all. They praise
           gained a lot of experience regarding   him for properly reading out the   You mentioned you wish to
           monastic life and the organizational   royal decree. The decree doesn’t   present the Buddha Dharma
           structures of different forest    belong to him though, it belongs   in modern language so that it
           monasteries. It is with these years   to the King. Likewise, the one who   easy for people to understand.
           of experience that I founded this   gives a Dhamma talk is just like   How would you communicate
           organization. Mahamevnawa         the one who reads out the royal   an ancient truth such as the
           is unique in the sense that it is   decree. Beginning even with the   Four Noble Truths or Dependent
           an organization based solely on   Great Arahant Venerable Sāriputta,   Origination to modern lay
           the Buddha’s Teachings. I did     anyone who gives a Dhamma talk is   Buddhists?
           not model Mahamevnawa after       simply a person who reads out the
           the methodologies of any other    royal decree, not one who enacts it.   Both teachings—the Four
           organization. Even now, my        The Buddha out of respect regarded   Noble Truths and Dependent
           continued motivation is to create an   the Dhamma as His Teacher. It is   Origination—are timeless truths
           organization where the Buddha’s   through the practice of Dhamma    that the wise can realize even
           Teachings can flourish.           that a person realizes the fruits of   today provided they are conveyed
                                             the path and that Dhamma belongs   properly. In the Vinaya, the Buddha
           In the book, Dharmapradīpikā,     only to the Buddha, not to anyone   declared that disciples may learn
           authored by the great Sri Lankan   else.  Everyone else who gives   the Dhamma in their own language,
           literary scholar and lay-disciple of   Dhamma talks merely receives the   which is why I translated the Sutta
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