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           the paper, there are 247 small circles. His followers   from Mainland China, who do not understand   much
           are instructed to use a black or blue pen to write the   of Buddhism. Malaysians and Singaporeans are greatly
           names of the sūtra reader and “sūtra seeker”, and then   out-numbered by Chinese coming from other parts of
           recite the Great Compassion Mantra, Heart Sūtra and   the world in the assemblies of Lu Tai-Zhang. We know
           some mantras. Upon completing each recitation, they   that the Cultural Revolution during 1966–1976 almost
           make a red dot in a small circle. When all the 247 circles   uprooted Buddhism in China. Because of that not
           have been marked, they burn the “Little House” in a   many Mainland Chinese really understand Buddhism
           particular way prescribed by him.                  now. Since 1979, new policies have resulted in rapid
                                                              economic development in China. However, the non-
           The Great Compassion Mantra and Heart Sūtra are    economic aspects, such as spiritual development, were
           important teachings in Mahāyāna Buddhism but the   seriously lacking. Such an imbalance created great
           abovementioned superstitious rules made by Lu has   opportunities for pseudo-Buddhism, including that of
           nothing to do with Buddhism. His “Little House” is not   Lu Tai-Zhang, to creep into the minds of the people in
           based on any Buddhist scripture nor approved by any   China. Even if they have migrated to other countries,
           Buddhist master.                                   many of them continue with their pseudo-Buddhist
           But then, a question arises: “Mahāyāna Buddhists are
           taught to recite the Great Compassion Mantra and Heart   Is Lu Tai-Zhang a genuine propagator of Buddhism?
           Sūtra faithfully. Why can’t followers of Lu Tai Zhang do
           the same? Why do we have double standards?”        Let us answer this question by looking at just a few of
                                                              the many books which contain the basic teachings of
           If recitation is done with deep devotion and with the   Lu Tai Zhang. A cursory look at these books is more
           right attitude, it may result in miraculous blessings if   than sufficient to reveal that Lu makes all kinds of
           conditions are right; for example, a “karmic sickness”   false statements in the name of Buddhism. In fact, he
           which doctors had failed to diagnose or provide    challenges many core teachings of the Buddha. (The
           prescription is suddenly cured. It is not uncommon   page numbers mentioned in the various paragraphs
           among Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna Buddhists to share    below refer to those found in the original Chinese
           such belief and experience.                        version of Lu’s books.)

           However, such “miracles” result from the blessings of   Metaphysics Q&A, page 63: Lu Tai Zhang advice is
           Buddha or Bodhisattvas, or from a sūtra or mantra   that “people who recite sūtras should not frequent
           that had been chanted with the right frame of mind.   graveyards, funeral parlors, hospitals, or visit seriously
           It is definitely not the result of Lu’s blessings nor   ill people because spirits (demons) appear at such
           the burning of piles of “Little Houses”. Obviously, the   places. Those who recite sūtras give off light, and that
           continuous chanting of Lu’s name or the two words   will easily attract spirits who will come and possess
           “Little House” is of no avail. Buddhists must be grateful,   their bodies.”
           but it is most unwise to be beholden to a mistaken party.
                                                              Introduction to the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, page
           Another commonly asked question is that “Dharma    18: Lu warns that “It is best not to recite the Heart Sūtra
           assemblies of Lu Tai-Zhang held in different cities of   and Amitābha Pure-land Rebirth Mantra after 10pm, or
           Malaysia attract thousands of people. Thus, isn’t it fair   during a heavy downpour accompanied by thunder and
           to assume that there must be truth in his “Little House”   lightning.”
                                                              This nonsensical statement is quite similar to the one
           It is true that Lu’s assemblies are always packed, but   above that “demons will appear and possess the bodies
           the majority of those who attend are foreigners, mainly   of sūtra reciters”.
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