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           Prof  Laurie  Santos  (far  right)  led  a  panel  on  happiness  at  the  World   You don’t need to smile all the time,
           Economic Forum                                                      says Emiliana Simon-Thomas (though
                                                                               she did smile for this picture)

           •  Social interaction with people,   Tips for happiness
              even strangers, makes you feel   •  Make more time for social
              happier                           connection even if it’s with a
           •  Being grateful for what you have   stranger
              improves how we feel           •  Do nice things for others,
           •  Feeling our lives have a purpose   even small things like making
              has been linked to a healthier,   someone a coffee will improve
 Katie is a BBC business website editor and reporter.
              longer life                       your happiness
                                             •  Count your blessings - think
           Humans have always wondered          about what you are grateful for
           about how to improve their        •  Get enough sleep               Tsoknyi Rinpoche advises taking a
           happiness, but for a long time    •  Stay in the moment - when our   break from texting and constantly
           thought they had no control over it.  mind wanders we are less happy  checking emails

                                             •  Meditate - people who meditate
           The root stem of happiness is        tend to be happier
           “happenstance” - chance, luck or   •  Stop criticising yourself - it
                                                                               That means it’s OK to feel negative
           fortune.                             makes you feel worse and you
                                                                               emotions, such as sadness or anger,
                                                will achieve less
                                                                               but that we should have enough
           Research shows that while genetics   •  Don’t keep chasing more
                                                                               resilience to bounce back.
           plays a large part, accounting       money - after you reach $75,000
                                                                               “Many of us think we need to be
           for half our happiness, what we      (£57,000), studies show earning
                                                                               enthusiastic and smiling all the
           do each day accounts for 40%,        more won’t make you any
                                                                               time. We don’t have that kind of life.
           with just 10% down to our life       happier
                                                                               Things happen,” she says.
                                             It’s OK to feel sad
                                                                               But how do we know if we’re happy?
           “We have the potential to acquire   She thinks a big problem is that
           happiness even when we were not   we often don’t understand what
                                                                               Mrs Simon-Thomas says most
           born happy,” says Emiliana Simon-  being happy means. She says it is a
                                                                               measurements are based on
           Thomas, director of the Greater   specific emotion, usually in reaction
                                                                               self-assessment but appear to be
           Good Science Center at Berkeley,   to something, and comes and goes.
                                                                               broadly accurate.
           who is running the workshop.      A general sense of wellbeing is a
                                             more realistic aim, she says.
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