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           •   Front desk volunteers.  They are the first line of   Conclusion
               contact when Buddhists come to the temples. As
               volunteers, their understanding of the core Buddhist   It is a fair assessment that at the moment, the Buddhist
               teachings is very important. While they are most   community adopts a half-hearted or lackadaisical
               welcomed to assist in the temples, they must ensure   attitude towards the emergence of pseudo-Buddhist
               that they are well trained in public relations and   cults. Such a passive mindset has a serious and
               have a good understanding of the Buddha Dharma   detrimental impact on the development of Buddhism.
               because they will create a good impression on   Only a few monastics and lay persons are actively and
               the visitors. If as volunteers they know little of   persistently involved in countering pseudo-Buddhist
               the Dharma, it will be difficult for them to provide   cults. It is hoped that in the near future more learned
               the right information when certain questions on   members of the Saṅgha, both Mandarin-speaking and
               Buddhism are posed to them. The situation of “a   English-speaking, will actively spread the Dharma
               blind leading the blind” must be avoided. Like   among the nominal Buddhists so as to expose the
               Committee members, they too should attend Dharma   deviant teachings of the pseudo-Buddhist cults. With
               talks and participate in Dharma workshops regularly.   proper understanding of the Buddha Dharma, they
               Likewise, employees who work in the temples must   will realize that true Buddhism is not merely the
               also understand Buddhism and have a sense of   performance of rituals but a practical way of life that
               mission in what they do.                       gives true meaning and happiness in life.

                                                              (This article is based on the author’s presentation titled
                                                              “Knowing What Buddhism Is” delivered at the Intra-Faith
                                                              Forum at the Buddhist Maha Vihara, Kuala Lumpur on
                                                              Sept 1, 2018.)   EH

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