Page 38 - EH58
P. 38
Why Cults arise? • Weekly or fortnightly prayers. Such prayers
are conducted by many temples on a regular basis
Many nominal Buddhists know little of the basic tenets where devotees recite the Amitābha Sūtra, Universal
of Buddhism. Some of them are gullible and thus Gate Chapter of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, and
vulnerable to the influence of cult leaders. Thus, during many other sūtras. Such prayers and activities are
the past few years, we have witnessed the emergence good practices and should be encouraged. However,
of various pseudo-Buddhist cults in this region and in most cases, participants recite the sūtras without
a mushrooming of their centers in different parts of any understanding of their meaning as there
Malaysia. The number of followers of pseudo-Buddhist are no explanation from the teachers. It is thus
cults have grown very rapidly lately. These are facts important for the organizers to invite monastics or
which we cannot deny. lay teachers to explain the contents of the sūtras to
the participants after the chanting. If this is done
To counter pseudo-Buddhist cults, we must not just frequently, participants who recite the sūtras will
point fingers at them. We have to do some honest understand the full meaning of the entire sermon.
soul-searching ourselves. The emergence of pseudo-
Buddhist cults is a reflection of our failure to carry out • Outdated traditional rituals. Any form of rituals
Buddhist missionary work effectively. Thus, we have that increase the three poisons of greed, hatred, and
to review our current missionary work and improve ignorance should be discarded. Unfortunately, many
on it. It is only when the internal “immune system” of of these superstitious and undesirable rituals are still
Buddhists has been reinforced, that they will be able around. They should be replaced with meaningful
to resist pseudo-Buddhist cults. Buddhists with proper rituals or practices that are in accordance with the
understanding of the Dharma must assist in countering tenets of Buddhism so that they will attract the
these pseudo Buddhists by helping to spread proper younger generation. If we are unwilling to change
Buddha Dharma to their relatives and friends. to new ways of spreading the Dharma, we must not
complain about the lack of young members in our
Suggestions to overcome Cults ranks. We cannot be talking about “impermanence”
and at the same time treat outdated rituals as if they
The following suggestions are made: are “permanent” features of Buddhism.
• Dharma assemblies. Such activities attract many
Buddhists even though they do not know their • Lay committee members. They are key to
significance or have only superficial knowledge ensuring that Buddhist organizations remain
about them. Thus, it is common to see a big crowd relevant for the community. As leaders, they have to
in a Dharma assembly. Organizers of Dharma manage Buddhist organizations in accordance with
assemblies should ensure that as part of the values derived from the Buddha-Dharma, and not
program, time is given for explanations of the manage them like other secular organizations or
texts recited at the assembly. It is important that NGOs. They need to be familiar with the Buddha’s
the current superficial emphasis on form by teachings and constantly upgrade their Dharma
devotees be re-oriented to a focus on the substance. knowledge by frequently attending lectures,
Buddhism should not be looked upon as just a seminars, and training camps. Unfortunately, many
religion but more as an education of the mind. committee members do not see the need to learn
While encouraging Buddhists to donate and support the Dharma. Their lack of understanding Buddhism
temples is important, it even more important to is a problem while their unwillingness to spread the
educate them on the true Buddha Dharma. Dharma is an even bigger problem. Their silence on
the issue of pseudo-Buddhist cults is also deafening.
In fact, they have inadvertently contributed to the
emergence of pseudo-Buddhism.