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           Buddhism in Plain Terms, page 237: Lu claims that when   nature and impact if they are allowed to circulate freely
           human beings pass away, for example in hell where they   as if they are consistent with Buddhism.
           are being tortured in a pot of boiling oil,  their Buddha-
           nature will be totally destroyed, and no longer exist.   Buddhism in Plain Terms, page 21: Lu opines that
                                                              “Buddhism, Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Eastern
           This is clearly against the Buddha’s teaching that the   Orthodox Christianity and Hinduism also believe in
           Buddha-nature of all sentient beings will not disappear.   deities and God, and hence are all the same.”
           Metaphysics Q&A, page 30: Lu claims that “everyone   In the same book, page 146: Lu repeats “There is only
           (including those without religion) upon death will   one God. Jesus Christ, the Holy Mother and Bodhisattvas
           receive judgment. They will be judged according to   serve the same God in heaven. So, belief in God and
           whether they are Westerners or Orientals.”         belief in Bodhisattvas are the same.”

           This statement of Lu is trying to influence people that   All orthodox religions remind people to avoid evil and
           Buddhist cultivation and practice is irrelevant as far   do good. So superficially, all religions are the same. But,
           as rebirth is concerned because “the assignment after   the criteria for evil and good deeds are not entirely the
           death” is entirely decided according to the color of the   same for all religions. Not all religions have the same
           skin of the deceased.                              set of precepts. Furthermore, the concepts of suffering,
                                                              emptiness (Śūnyatā), non-ego and impermanence,
           Metaphysics Q&A, page 156: Lu says “The good or bad   which are core teachings of Buddhism, are not found
           retributions arising out of good or bad deeds committed   in other religions. Buddhists believe that gods and
           in a person’s past life will end upon the person   heavenly beings (devas) exist but do not believe in
           becoming 45 to 50 years of age”.                   a Creator God. On the other hand, followers of other
                                                              religions believe that God is the Creator. These few
           According to Buddhism, karmic retributions will take   examples make it abundantly clear that Buddhism is not
           place either during this life time, next lifetime, or after   the same as other religions.
           many lifetimes. There is no such thing as a cut-off point
           at the age of 45 or 50 years.                       Precautionary and Counter Measures

           Buddhism in Plain Terms, page 47: Lu stresses that “The   In the process of debunking deviant teachings such
           Heart Sūtra will be converted to “hell currency” during   as those of Lu Tai-Zhang, we must be mindful that
           the night. Many small demons will come to grab the hell   followers of pseudo-Buddhist cults do have some
           currency.”                                         affinity with Buddhism. If they have no affinity at all,
                                                              they will not pay homage to Buddha and Bodhisattvas
           Surely no right-thinking Buddhist will view the Heart   or chant Buddhist sūtras and mantras in the first
           Sūtra as “hell currency” and that no right-thinking   place. Therefore, we must not be confrontational but
           follower of any religion will make such a blasphemous   compassionate towards them and guide them with
           statement about his or her holy text.              empathy to return to the right path.

           Buddhism in Plain Terms, page 111: Lu implies that the   The majority of Lu Tai-Zhang’s followers merely listen
           “Heavenly Realm” is higher than the “Buddha Realm”,   to his words blindly. They have been misled to believe
           meaning heavenly beings are more enlightened than   that Lu’s teachings are consistent with Buddhism
           Buddhas; and he regards a Śrāvaka (arahat) as a “high-  because his two main publications are titled “Buddha-
           class Asura”.                                      Dharma in Plain Terms”, and “The Buddha’s Words”. It is
                                                              unfortunate that people tend to judge the contents of
           Such statements are very damaging to the Buddha’s   Lu’s books by their covers and titles.
           teachings. We should not overlook their slanderous
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