Page 13 - EH63
P. 13


               If we come across certain things that we find difficult   When we come across a concept that we find difficult
               to accept even after careful investigation, that doesn’t   to accept, the first thing we should do, especially if it’s
               mean the whole dharma has to be thrown overboard.   something that is integral to the dharma, is to look
               Even now, after all these years, I still find certain   into it with an unprejudiced mind. We should read
               things in the Tibetan dharma that I’m not sure about at   everything we can on the subject, not just from the
               all. I used to go to my lama and ask him about some of   point of view of Buddhadharma, but if there are other
               these things, and he would say, “That’s fine. Obviously,   approaches to it, we need to read about them, too. We
               you don’t really have a connection with that particular   need to ask ourselves how they connect with other
               doctrine. It doesn’t matter. Just put it aside. Don’t say,   parts of the doctrine. We have to bring our intelligence
               ‘No, it’s not true.’ Just say, ‘At this point, my mind does   into this. At the same time, we should realize that at
               not embrace this.’ Maybe later you’ll appreciate it, or   the moment, our level of intelligence is quite mundane.
               maybe you won’t. It’s not important.”              We do not yet have an all-encompassing mind. We have
                                                                  a very limited view. So there are definitely going to
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