Page 14 - EH63
P. 14


               be things that our ordinary mundane consciousness   meaning, and we can only understand those concepts
               cannot experience directly. But that does not mean   that are accessible to our present level of mind.
               these things do not exist.
                                                                  I think people have different sticking points. I know
               Here again, it is important to keep an open mind. If   that things some people find very difficult to grasp
               other people with deeper experiences and vaster    were extremely simple for me. I already believed many
               minds say they have experienced something, then we   of the teachings before I came to the buddhadharma.
               should at least be able to say, “Perhaps it might be so.”   On the other hand, some things that were difficult for
               We should not take our limited, ignorant minds as   me, others find simple to understand and accept. We
               the norm. But we must remember that these limited,   are all coming from different backgrounds, and so we
               ignorant minds of ours can be transformed.         each have our own special problems. But the important
                                                                  thing is to realize that this is no big deal. It doesn’t
               That’s what the path is all about. Our minds do become   matter. Our doubting and questioning spur us on and
               more open and increasingly vast as we progress.    keep us intellectually alert.
               We do begin to see things more clearly, and as a
               result they slowly begin to fit into place. We need to   Our doubting and questioning spur us on and keep us
               be patient. We should not expect to understand the   intellectually alert.
               profound expositions of an enlightened mind in our
               first encounter with them. I’m sure we all know certain   There have been times when my whole spiritual
               books of wisdom that we can read and reread over the   life was one great big question mark. But instead of
               years, and each time it seems like we are reading them   suppressing the questions, I brought up the things I
               for the first time. This is because as our minds open   questioned and examined them one by one. When I
               up, we begin to discover deeper and deeper layers of   came out the other end, I realized that it simply didn’t
               meaning we couldn’t see the time before. It’s like that   matter. We can be quite happy with a question mark.
               with a true spiritual path. It has layer upon layer of   It’s not a problem at all, actually, as long as we don’t
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