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               solidify it or base our whole life on feeling threatened   already there, but in reality you’re not there. These are
               by it. We need to develop confidence in our innate   somebody else’s travel experiences.
               qualities and believe that these can be brought to
               fruition. We all have Buddhanature. We have all the
               qualities needed for the path. If we don’t believe this, it   And when you do go there, you will have your own
               will be very difficult for us to embark because we have   unique experiences. Following the path is about
               no foundation from which to go forth. It’s really very   experiencing it for ourselves. It’s not taking on
               simple. The Buddhadharma is not based on dogma.    what other people have described. It’s not based on
                                                                  blind faith. Of course, you need a certain amount of
               But why is it so difficult for us? Basically it’s because   confidence to buy a ticket and start on your journey.
               of our state of mind, because we lack knowledge of   You have to believe that the country exists and that
               who we are and our role here in this life. Because   it’s worthwhile to go there. But beyond that, the
               we don’t know who we are, we feel separate from    important thing is just to go. And as you go, you can
               everybody else. There’s this sense of “me” that creates   say to yourself, “Yes, that’s just the way they described
               all our fears, angers, attachments, jealousies, and   it. That’s right. It does look like that.” EH
               uncertainties. But the Buddha said that it doesn’t have
               to be like that. Our inherent nature is pure. All we have   NOTE: Details for those who wish to support the
               to do is rediscover who we really are, and that’s what   Nunnery are as follows:
               the path is for. It’s very simple. It’s not based on faith,
               but rather on experiments and experience leading to   Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery
               realization. It’s not a matter of learning what this lama   P.O. Padhiarkar, Via Taragarh
               says, or what that tradition says, and then believing   District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh 176081
               it’s going to save us. It’s not going to save us. Of course   INDIA
               we need to know what the Buddha said. We need      Tel. (+91) 98163 12062
               to know what great teachers in the past have said,   Email
               because they have been there ahead of us and have laid
               down maps for us to follow. But it’s a bit like reading a   Source: Tricycle, SUMMER 2002.
               travel book. You can read a travel book and feel you’re
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