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                                                 Developing a

                                                 Mind of Balance

                                                 By Mindy Newman

                                                 The Buddha said that a mind that is balanced is one that is in a state
                                                 of equanimity. As an experienced mental health professional, how do
                                                 you relate this understanding of a balanced mind from the Buddhist
                                                 perspective to that of modern psychotherapy?

               Mindy Newman, LMHC                I find in psychotherapy that clients often try to jump to equanimity by
               is a psychotherapist and          minimizing their feelings or rationalizing that something that happened
               hypnotherapist in private         to them is ok when it isn’t. So they outwardly sound very reasonable and
               practice in NYC. She studied      calm, but what they are actually doing is suppressing their emotions. To
               World Religion at Harvard         the outside world they appear calm, but privately they are struggling with
               Divinity School and Counseling    anxiety, depression or engaging in addictive behaviors. Paradoxically, before
               Psychology at Lesley University,   they can approach any genuine equanimity they have to stop repressing
               both in Cambridge, MA. Mindy      themselves and have their natural reactions. This means that for a period
               is a regular contributor to       of time, they will seem more emotional to themselves and others than they
               Tricycle magazine, has taught     have before. But as they process these intense reactions, they eventually,
               meditation at Tibet House         naturally become softer. Over the long-term, they have a better chance of
               for the Nalanda Institute of      deeper, true equanimity. It’s ironic that for many people the path to true
               Contemplative Science, and is     calmness has to go through the difficult, intense emotions.
               a group facilitator for Dr. Miles   So how would you teach someone to cultivate true equanimity within
               Neale’s Contemplative Studies     himself and towards others?
               program. Mindy is devoted to the
               Tibetan Buddhist tradition and    In psychotherapy, I help clients examine their personal histories and try to
               considers her work as a therapist   understand how they are unconsciously provoked to feel and act certain
               to be some of her most important   ways that are causing them distress. When we understand something deeply,
               dharma practice. Benny Liow       we naturally become less reactive to it. Have you ever had the experience
               asked Mindy several questions     of a loved one or friend getting irritable with you, but because you knew
               on how does one develop a mind    that something else was bothering them that was causing their irritation
               based on equanimity, and other    that their treatment of you didn’t upset you that much? It’s like that. For
               core Buddhist qualities such      example, one person may be very anxious about pleasing others and become
               as patience and humility. The     distressed when they think someone is unhappy with them, while another
               following is an extract of the    struggles with anger when other people don’t meet their expectations. When
               discussions. You can read more    both people understand what happened in their past that trigger these
               about her at     habitual reactions to particular interpersonal dynamics, they won’t be so
                                                 bothered by someone being unhappy with them or failing them.

                                                 From the Buddhist perspective, meditation is essential – and I assume that
                                                 because the readers of this magazine are Buddhist as well, you agree! Of
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