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            A  series  of  six  seminars  called  ‘Beyond  Your  Sight’
            was initiated by YBAM Sarawak SLC and co-organised   陈永净的讲座结合佛法与心理学知识。
                                                              Tan Yong Chin integrated the Dharma and psychological knowledge in his talk.
            by  Kuching  Tze  Yin  Buddhist  Orthodox  Association
            Youth Section and Kuching Buddhist Society Teenager
            Section starting 18 September 2021. The objective of
            this series of seminars was to inculcate the qualities
            of  Buddhist  youth,  guide  them  to  view  various
            situations of life from the perspective of Dharma and
            encourage young people to engage with the Dharma.

            The first talk ‘My Secret Garden’, was delivered by
            Tan Yong Chin, a Malaysian registered psychological
            counsellor. He talked about the inner workings and
            care of the mind in three parts: ‘When Psychology
            Meets  Buddha’,  ‘The  Workings  of  the  Mind’,  and
            ‘Settling of the Mind’. He guided the participants in   沈耀胜带领大家探讨面包与信仰之间的抉择课题。
            finding the beacon of  life -  the worldly Right View.   Sin Yew Sen led a discussion on choosing between bread and belief.
            When we have the right outlook on life and a strong
            and  unshakable  ideal,  we  can  face  and  solve  any
            problems calmly.

            Wong  Choon  Tat,  YBAM  Consultant    and  external
            Liaison  Coordinator  of  Bodhi  Buddhist  Fellowship
            Malaysia, was invited as the speaker in the second
            seminar  called  ‘Dominance  VS  Submission’.
            He  discussed  various  moral  and  ethical  issues
            encountered  in  daily  life,  which  led  to  the  main
            topic – ‘Who is dominating our lives?’ with in-depth
            discussion. He also explained and analysed this topic
            from the Buddhist perspective.

            The third session ‘Endless’ featured Teoh Yan Hang
            from  Bodhi  Buddhist  Fellowship  Malaysia,  who   江暐颉和大家探讨网络道德。
            discussed  with  the  participants  the  questions  ‘Is  it   Kong Wai Keat talked about Internet ethics.
            wrong to pursue fame and wealth?’ and ‘What is the
            proper way to pursue fame and wealth?’ He said that   or  investment,  savings,  and  giving.  He  also  said,
            it is important to remind ourselves to go back to our   ‘By  applying  spiritual  practice  in  our  work,  we  can
            own body and mind and ask ourselves what we really   transform  our  mind  and  stop  being  selfish.  In  this
            want when pursuing material fame and wealth.      way, there is more to work than just survival.’

            In the fourth seminar ‘Bread vs. Belief’, Sin Yew Sen,   Tan Yong Chin returned to deliver a talk on the fifth
            the advisor of ‘Melody of Truth and Beauty’, led a   seminar ‘To Be or Not to Be’. He elaborated on the
            discussion on the choice between bread (money and   views  of  how  to  handle  relationship  matters  from
            work) and belief. He reminded the audience of the   the  perspectives  of  international  psychological
            importance of using and distributing money wisely,   counselling  and  Buddhism  respectively,  and  finally
            citing the four divisions of money as mentioned in   combined  the  views  of  both  sides  to  provide  an
            the  Saṃyukta  Āgama:  necessities  of  life,  business   overall  perspective.  He  guided  the  participants

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