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Wong Choon Tat, the speaker of the ‘Dominance VS Submission’ seminar.
in Virginia Satir's ‘iceberg theory’ which fits with the wise one make for himself an island which no
the application of Dharma, and how to embrace flood can overwhelm’, he reminded the participants
and convert relationship problems using the ‘Four to practise Sīla (morality), Samadhi (concentration),
Immeasurable Minds’. and Paňňa (wisdom), so that they are not easily
influenced by the people and things around them.
In the last seminar entitled ‘The World between
Us’, the organiser invited Kong Wai Keat, leader of YBAM Sarawak SLC thanked the speakers for taking
the Dharma Propagation and IT Committee of Bodhi time out of their busy schedule to prepare the lectures
Buddhist Fellowship Malaysia, to discuss ‘Internet and share how to apply Buddhism in our daily life.
Information and Moral Cultivation of Youth’ and They also shared additional valuable knowledge, as
‘Internet Ethics, Internet Information and Language". well as the participation and support of the various
Reciting the quote from the Dhammapada verse – ‘By Buddhist associations, Buddhist societies and the
effort, heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let public, which made the seminar series a success.