Page 28 - EH57
P. 28
being part of the solution for our Social order Environment
social problems. Despite the fact that our society Humankind is facing climate
is arguably safer and more change, water scarcity, oceans
According to the categories peaceful than some centuries pollution, endangered species
mentioned above, from a Buddhist ago, some areas of the planet and many more environmental
point of view, or better said, from a are facing very difficult times. problems that are risking the safety
Dharmic point of view, humankind The never-ending conflict of the of future generations and maybe
have the tools to face this issues middle-east, the migration crisis even the planet itself. A Dharmic
having the good of the many as their in Europe and America, clashes view towards the environment
goal. between indigenous tribes and the consider humans being part of a
government in different countries bigger picture and would emphasize
Health of South America, constant social developing loving-kindness and
In matters of health, were revolt in Africa, some religious compassion towards living beings
humankind is facing a longer conflicts in Asia and democracy and therefore, logically, the only
lifespan that challenges us threats in some countries around planet they have to live in.
regarding the quality of life of our the world, are a constant menace to
elders and the long-term effects world peace and security. Gender
of modern bad habits, such as, In terms of gender issues, we
malnourishment, exposure to One of the most profound new can also refer to the non-clinging
chemicals and radiation, and outlooks that the Dharma can doctrine, and to not identifying
a more stressful way of life, provide come from the very deep oneself with the body and with
Dharmic wisdom can contribute by teaching of not-clinging. Not only rigid gender roles assignations.
promoting self-care techniques such not to cling to the five aggregates In such a way we can create a
as meditation and the creation of or a specific identity view, but to tolerant and compassionate
intentional communities that work not-cling to conditioned concepts framework to discuss the rights
towards the improvement of the as nationality, or political views can of sexual minorities and more
quality of life of others and to help offer a key to a new world of human positive attitudes towards them
the needier ones. relationships. by governments and society. The
Buddha’s path leads us to the
It should not be overlooked that The concept of a world government freedom of the mind. Once someone
this change in our health will has been proposed before, but is free, is open to understanding
also be affected by the impact of always from a point of view of a others, to feel their pain and
modern medical technologies and very specific “chosen” group who happiness and therefore cultivate
artificial intelligence, fields that claims to have the absolute truth ways to increase wholesome
are affecting the prognosis of the and have no fear or shame to emotions in everyone.
evolution of the human body. By impose their view in violent ways.
promoting a Dharmic ethic, which A Dharmic approach to not-clinging Dharmic education
should be like the famous chanted to nationalities would not blame So far, we have addressed these
stanza; timeless, and therefore culture or a sense of group belonging extremely complicated topics in a
not dependent on culture, we from the people, but, would promote somewhat superficial and idealistic
can provide the framework to a sense of world citizenship that way. Asking form all members
discuss the implications of such could build the foundations to of society to train in ethics and
technologies and direct our energy solving the migration crisis, where compassion which surely would
and resources towards wholesome some people are doomed to face bring many positive results. But
research and investigations. difficult times created in their own what is a more realistic approach
countries by a few greedy ones. to these current problems? And,