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               Pure Land and Chan (Zen)          the utmost humility and always    Pure Land practitioners recognise
               Apart from the Pure Land School,   remember that without the        the existence of mystical things
               the Chan School is another major   Buddha-power, their own efforts   and phenomena, but they don’t
               tradition of Chinese Buddhism.    will come to naught. In the final   revere them. They cherish the plain
               The Chan School emphasizes on     analysis, it is the Buddha-power   and prize simplicity instead of
               self-power. In this regard, the Chan   that counts. It is Amitābha Buddha’s   complicated stuff.
               School is very different from the   willingness and great vows to share
               Pure Land School which relies very   the fruits of his cultivation which   Frequently asked Questions
               heavily on Buddha-power. Because   enable practitioners to be delivered   A. �s the Pure Land a Paradise as
               of their different dispositions and   in the Pure Land.             conceived by the Christians?
               abilities, it is quite natural for                                  The Mahāyāna Pure Land is very
               Buddhists to choose different paths.   Some do’s and don’ts for Pure   different from the Christians’
               It is not uncommon for Chan       Land Practitioners                concept of Paradise in two ways:
               practitioners who have achieved a   While Pure Land practitioners
               certain level in their cultivation to   should venerate their own tradition,   •  While it is true that there is no
               shift course and embrace the Pure   they must not disparage other      suffering in the Pure Land, it is
               Land School when they encountered   schools. Where the perspective of   not a place for enjoyment, but
               an obstacle and could not move    other schools differs from that of   the most conducive place for
               up to the next level in their Chan   the Pure Land School, they should   dedicated cultivation where
               practice. At that stage, they realized   respect the differences but do not   great teachers and mutually
               that the Pure Land School was     follow them.                         supportive practitioners
               another option for them to move to.                                    are found. Each and every
                                                 In order to improve, they should     practitioner is equal. The only
               However, the convergence of       interact frequently with like-minded   difference among them is their
               the various schools of Chinese    practitioners. As for those who      level of attainment of wisdom
               Buddhism over time also led to    follow a different path, they should   (prajñā). But eventually, even
               certain misinterpretation and     keep a distance, lest be distracted   that difference will vanish.
               distortion of the underlying      from the Pure Land practice.      •  The practitioners are not
               principles and methods of the Pure                                     supposed to be with Amitābha
               Land School. One of the distortions   Pure Land practitioners must avoid   Buddha forever. It is not “living
               is that its original emphasis     evil and cherish good, be law-       and enjoying happily forever
               on Buddha-power (reliance on      abiding, possess civic-mindedness,   thereafter with Amitābha
               Amitābha’s deliverance) shifted   compassionate towards other          Buddha” in the Pure Land.
               somewhat to dependence on self-   sentient beings, and treat people    After gaining sufficient wisdom
               power and one’s own capabilities.  generously. They must be sincere    and skilful means there,
                                                 and scrupulous in all relationships,   practitioners must have the
               “Complete reliance on Buddha-     must not gossip or listen to gossip.   compassion to return to help
               power without any self-effort”    They must avoid finding fault with   other sentient beings who are
               is a misinterpretation of the     others, exposing private matters     still suffering in Saṃsāra.
               Pure land School. It requires     of others or engage in flattery or
               diligent cultivation on the part   misrepresentation. They must     B. Is Amitābha Buddha the same as
               of practitioners. Nevertheless,   always have a sense of shame      the Creator God of Christianity?
               “Reliance on Amitābha’s deliverance   and be grateful for the Buddha’s
               and Buddha-power” means that      kindness, and respectful. Under all   There are two important points to
               although the practitioners put in   circumstances, they must bear in   note:
               diligent efforts, they must have   mind the law of cause and effect.
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