Page 65 - EH57
P. 65


                                existence and all that it entails with wrong   When we see all beings as one, that we
                                perception that negative attitudes arise. Thus   interpenetrate everything else in the universe,
                                our greatest enemy is ignorance which must   the need to ‘tolerate simply falls apart. Of
                                be eradicated by understanding its nature.  course, this supreme wisdom is not easy to
                                                                           gain but the Buddhist Path includes many
                                Perhaps the greatest breakthrough made     practices which help one to perceive this
                                by the Buddha on understanding the nature   Oneness, among the best known of which
                                of existence was when he discovered that   is the practice of Brahma Vihāra (Divine
                                what we mistake for a person with a body   Dwelling) There are four Brahma Vihāras:
                                and a soul is in reality nothing more than   Mettā (Universal benevolence) Karuṇā
                                a constantly changing set of five processes   (Compassion) Muditā (Sympathetic Joy) and
                                which give rise to the notion of an ‘I’. This false   Upekkhā (Equanimity). When we practice
                                sense of an ego gives rise to attachment to not   mettā we radiate a sense of well-being and
                                only physical objects but to mental activities   friendliness towards all beings that exist
                                as well.                                   in the cosmos, seen and unseen. Similarly,
                                                                           compassion transcends all barriers. Muditā is
                                Saddled with this false sense of an enduring   joy at the happiness of others and Equanimity
                                self we attach ourselves concepts and ideas   is when we rise above all emotions and
                                of our own making and cling to them while   view everything that with impartiality and
                                we struggle to oppose the ideas which are   benevolence with an unperturbed mind. It
                                created by others. However, if we examine the   is easy to see that when one practices the
                                nature of existence impartially we will see   Brahma Viharas without conditions (they are
                                that all phenomena have three characteristics:   described as illimitables) petty differences
                                Impermanence, Unsatisfactoriness and       regarding ‘yours’ and ‘mine’ simply fall apart.
                                Self-lessness. By successfully penetrating   The question of ‘tolerance simply does not
                                the nature of existence we discover that all   arise!
                                phenomena is empty, the world is mind-made.
                                                                           The root of hatred is ignorance which creates
                                Mind is the forerunner of all states       erroneous conceptions of ‘my’ and ‘mine’.
                                Mind is chief, mind made are they          But wisdom destroys egoism and shows that
                                Dhammapada verse 1                         concepts such as ‘things’ and ‘persons’ are in
                                                                           reality empty. Wisdom leads to compassion
                                This ability to see the non-reality of the   and all-inclusiveness. Ven Sangharakshita says
                                world and its components is call Wisdom.   “Buddhism, since it annihilates the erroneous
                                With Wisdom we destroy the tendency to     conception of unchanging separate selfhood
                                discriminate between ‘self’ and ‘others’.   stifles as it were ignorance, lust and hatred
                                Naturally when there is wisdom there is    in the womb, and permanently precludes the
                                compassion as we see everything as equal.   possibility of violence being used even for the
                                Dhammapada verse 130 describes it as       advancement of its own tenets” EH
                                Attānaṁ upamaṁ katvā or comparing others
                                with onself.
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