Page 14 - EH62
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for the future direction of Korean With the Covid-19 pandemic, temples soothed the weary hearts
Buddhism, 53.2 % of respondents there is now a new normal in of Buddhists fatigued from the virus
suggested expanding Buddhism’s how Buddhist temples should and its negative impact on their
social engagement. promote the Dharma. Could you lives.
share briefly how it is done in
As the survey indicated, Korean Korea? BTN organized a special feature
Buddhism should strive to program titled “Dharma Talks
improve the unequal structure With the COVID-19 pandemic, the of Complete Peace to Overcome
within the Order, such as the Korean Buddhist community took COVID-19” to deliver reassuring
discrimination between male proactive measures to prevent its talks by eminent monks to
and female monastics, and the further spread, including closing Buddhists who were distressed by
structure dividing monastics and temple gates and ending Dharma the pandemic.
the laity should be abolished. assemblies. This led to a more
Other suggestions included: the positive image among Koreans BTN also revamped its website
polarization between large city toward Buddhism; according to so that people could view online
temples and small rural temples “Some Trend,” an SNS big data Dharma assemblies at major
should be reduced; to prepare for analysis site, a positive perception temples nationwide. People were
an increasing number of elderly of Buddhism surged drastically to also able to participate in prayers
monastics, the monastic welfare 66 % on SNS. One of the reasons and Dharma assemblies and receive
system should be strengthened; is that the public was encouraged blessings via real-time subtitles
Photo by Liza Matthews
and the organizational structure of by the Buddhist community as where immediate communication is
the Buddhist orders and monastic we began our own blood drive enabled through a chat service.
lineages should be improved. to combat the decline in blood
donations and blood reserves fell With the further spread of
In pursuit of expanding its social due to the fear of corona virus COVID-19, the Korean Buddhist
engagement, Korean Buddhism infection. community saw the need to cease
should put into action in society traditional religious practices
the following teaching from the A communication company’s like coming to the temple to offer
Vimalakirti Sutra, which says: article titled “Jogyesa’s Blood prayers and worship on ceremonial
“The Buddha is sick because living Donation Campaign of Compassion,” days, but they also found ways to
beings are sick.” Even as Korean published on an online portal site, support religious activities online.
Buddhism adapts to change, there received 1,300 comments. Most
are some things that should be of the comments expressed praise This trend is expected to expand
preserved, and among those are and respect for monastics who further, and the Korean Buddhist
the Buddhist precepts. The purity participated in the blood drive and community should adapt and
of the monastic community will for Buddhism in general. develop by actively embracing it.
determine if Korean Buddhism EH
progress or decline. The laity Moreover, since the corona virus
should also observe the lay made the normal activities of faith
precepts and be actively involved and practice difficult, nationwide
in faith and practice activities. In temples held online Dharma
addition, they should make giving a assemblies to serve and maintain
part of daily life in order to support contact with devotees. Through
the less fortunate among us. real time live broadcasts using
online platforms like YouTube,