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               Bringing Joy to our

               Pandemic World

               By Venerable Ayya Yeshe

                                                 Ayya Yeshe Bodhicitta ordained as a nun in 2001. She discovered
                                                 Buddhism whilst travelling in Nepal and India at the age of 17 on a
                                                 search for the meaning of life. Coming back to Australia after a year of
                                                 study and practice in monasteries, she helped run a Buddhist Centre in
                                                 Sydney and trained with her teacher Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe for
                                                 five years whilst working as well.

                                                 Upon ordaining as a nun at the age of 23 Venerable Yeshe, found like
                                                 the majority of Western monastics before her that there was very little
                                                 care or support for Western monastics, people preferring to access
                                                 Tibetan Lamas who are already trained. She had no where to live
                                                 and had to beg on traditional alms round to get food, she stayed with
                                                 various friends and in garden sheds. She engaged in teaching Dharma
                                                 in HIV hospices, schools, drug and alchohol rehab centres and trained
                                                 as a yoga teacher.

                                                 Coming to India in 2004, Venerable Yeshe studied for two years in a
                                                 monastery, but felt a need to make Buddhism accessable and socially
                                                 engaged, whilst still trying to maintain her contemplative way of life.
                                                 She met Indian Buddhists in 2005 and has been working with them
                                                 ever since. Her teachers are Sakya Trizen (the second highest Lama in
                                                 Tibetan Buddhism) and Ven Thich Nhat Hanh, the nobel peace prize
                                                 poet and peace activist.

                                                 Ayya Yeshe Bodhicitta is the author of ‘Everyday Enlightenment’
                                                 published by Harper Collins and is featured in the documentaries ‘life
                                                 beyond the begging bowl’ and ‘Through the Eastern Gate’. She is also
                                                 made a Buddhist chanting CD with one of Australia’s top world music
                                                 groups - India Jiva called ‘Dakini’.

                                                 Despite her very hectic schedule, she was able to grant an on-line
                                                 interview to Eastern Horizon when requested by Benny Liow. The
                                                 following is an extract of the interview.
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