Page 17 - EH62
P. 17
The Mettā Sutta says: “Just as a various Buddhist charities so that
mother protects with her life, her we have more synergies and less
child, her only child, so with a duplication of work?
boundless heart should one cherish
all living beings” Sectarianism is a problem. But
the Buddhist Global Relief (www.
Certainly service and boundless has been a
compassion is emphasized in huge support to us.
the Bodhisattvas’ Way of Life as
mentioned by Śāntideva, as is You mentioned that when you
meditation and mind training. first became a nun at the age
If we don’t meditate, there is a risk of 23, you found the majority
that we will lose the Dharma, but if of Western monastics had little
we never implement compassion, support among the laity as
there is a risk we will never know they prefer to support their
the real meaning of lived spiritual Tibetan masters. Have you seen
principles. significant positive changes over
the years?
Was the Buddha himself socially
engaged when he was alive? No, sadly I have not. I ordained with
15 people. There is only myself
The Buddha praised solitude, but he and one other nun in her 70s are
also took to the road and traveled left. People don’t understand that
everywhere ‘for the benefit of the Buddhism needs trained teachers
many’. He met Princes and paupers from each Buddhist culture and
alike and taught them according to community support to preserve
their needs and understanding. The the teachings to survive. There is
Buddha challenged many of the rigid still a great deal of patriarchy to
brahmanical culture of caste and overcome.
destiny. In many ways he challenged
the privileges and social decay of Is that why you started the
the time. That is one of the reasons Bodhicitta International Socially
why the Brahmins worked so hard Engaged Buddhist Community?
to rid India of Buddhism later on - it
challenged their hold on the people Yes, we have started a monastery.
and the oppressiveness of a system I don’t want other non-Himalayan
Some of the children and women who have
of privileges that discriminated monastics to suffer as we did. It’s
benefitted from Ayya Yeshe’s charity
humans based on birth. unconscionable that we charge
Western monastics to stay in
I believe there are other Dharma centers. This is why
Buddhist charities like Bodhicitta we started Bodhicitta Dakini
Foundation in India. Do you see Monastery, TAS, Australia. We will
enough collaboration among the soon buy land.