Page 107 - hakka
P. 107


            Fried Glutinous Rice Balls

            ■ 主料                                              ■ Main Ingredients
            糯米粉                500克                           500 grams glutinous rice flour

            ■ 辅料                                              ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            白芝麻                 50克                           50 grams white sesame seeds

            ■ 调料                                              ■ Seasonings
            白糖                 150克                           150 grams white sugar
            清水                 250克                           250 grams water
            食用油(炸制用)          2000克                           2000 grams cooking oil (for frying)
            猪油                  50克                           50 grams lard

            ■ 制作流程                                            ■ Method
            1.  将白糖加入清水搅拌至溶解,然后倒入糯米粉                          1.  Dissolve the white sugar in water, then pour it into the
                中,揉搓均匀,再加入50克猪油揉搓,制成光滑                           glutinous rice flour and knead until evenly combine.
                的粄团。                                             Add 50 grams of lard and continue kneading until a
            2.  取一小团面团搓成圆子,均匀地裹上一层白芝                             smooth and glossy dough is formed.
                麻。                                            2.  Take a small portion of the dough and shape it into a
            3.  将锅烧热倒入食用油加热。将圆子放入油锅,用                            ball. Roll the ball evenly in white sesame seeds to coat
                中小火慢炸。待圆子浮起时,用漏勺轻轻翻动,                            the surface.
                让其均匀受热。圆子鼓起来后,继续炸至金黄                          3.  Heat the wok and pour in cooking oil to heat Place the
                色,捞出沥油即可。                                        rice balls into the oil. Fry the balls over medium-low
                                                                 heat. Once the balls float to the surface, use a slotted
            ■ 风味特色                                               spoon  to  gently  turn  them,  ensuring  even  cooking.
            外酥里嫩,香甜可口。                                           When the balls puff up, continue frying until they turn
                                                                 golden brown. Remove, drain the excess oil and serve.

                                                              ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                              Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, sweet, and de-
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