Page 219 - hakka
P. 219
White-cut Grass Goose
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredients
草鹅 1只(约4000克) 1 grass goose (about 4,000 grams)
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
姜块 30克 30 grams ginger chunks
葱条 50克 50 grams green onion strips
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
食盐 100克 100 grams salt
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 准备一大桶山泉水,加入姜块和葱条煮沸。 1. Prepare a large pot of mountain spring water, add
2. 鹅体型硕大,需先砍下脚和翅膀,然后和鹅身一 the ginger chunks and green onion strips, bring it to
同放入沸水桶中,用微滚火候煲制60分钟,期间 a boil.
适时翻转鹅身,确保均匀受热。 2. Due to the large large size of the goose, chop off
3. 将煮熟的鹅捞起,趁热用食盐均匀涂抹鹅身,静 its feet and wings before placing the goose and the
置15分钟后,用鹅汤冲洗鹅身外表,鹅膛内用带 chopped parts into the boiling water. Simmer gently
盐分的鹅汤灌洗入味。 for 60 minutes, turning the goose occasionally to en-
4. 待鹅肉自然凉透后,切块装盘,即可食用。 sure even heating.
3. Remove the cooked goose from the pot and while
■ 风味特色 it is still hot, rub the body evenly with salt. Let it
鲜甜味美,汁水丰盈。 rest for 15 minutes, then rinse the exterior with the
goose broth. Use the salted goose broth to rinse the
interior cavity tp enhance flavour.
4. Let the goose cool naturally, then chop it into pieces.
Serve on a plate.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Fresh and sweet with ample juices