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           time and space, and the ongoing unfolding of life. These   It’s true that human activity is messing up life as we
           are exquisite gifts. Life itself is generous. Life is always   have known it, and this is terrible. We absolutely must
           making more life. Life is abundant and expansive, never   correct this. But we are not smart enough or destructive
           stingy or small-minded. It keeps on going, bubbling up   enough to kill life. Life is too generous and resilient for
           and expanding wherever it has a chance.            that to happen. And it’s not as though we exist in a special
                                                              category outside of life. We are life as much as anything
           You don’t need to create life; you just have to let it in.   else. Life goes on even if we do not.
           The grasses on the hillside are ready to burst out green
           as soon as a little rain falls and a little sunlight peeps   The practice of the perfection of generosity eventually
           through. Weeds and vines tangle all over the place. Life   effects a basic attitude shift toward the recognition
           stopped in one place pops up somewhere else. Nature is   that we are living creatures who share in life’s great
           prolific. Even the falling apart of things is generous: big   abundance, freedom, and energy. So we always have
           trees topple willingly in heavy winds; they provide food   possibilities. We always find a way, no matter how or
           for insects, bacteria, fungi, and other trees and plants.   what, to further our life. We just have to figure out how to
           It’s sad in our time to see so many species disappearing.   stop getting in our own way. This is where the intentional
           More than sad. But species have always disappeared, and   practice of the perfection of generosity helps.
           new species have always arisen. When we say we are
           destroying or protecting the earth, we are expressing our   Someone once asked Tang dynasty Zen Master Baijang
           dismay and our love, but we are also being a bit arrogant:   why giving is the gateway to the bodhisattva path.
           the earth is fine, and life on earth will continue in some   Baijang answered that it is because to practice giving is to
           form no matter what we do, because life is generous   practice letting go. The monk then asked, “What do you
           and fecund and it cannot be stopped. As long as the sun   let go of?” Baijang said, “You let go of narrow views. You
           shines, life in some form will continue.           let go of the idea that things are small and tight, graspable
                                                              and possessable.”

                                                              Baijang is emphasizing the open and wide spirit of
                                                              generosity. He is showing us that it is the crabbiness of
                                                              our thinking, the stinginess of our minds, our desire to
                                                              judge, evaluate, separate, define—holding on to scraps—
                                                              that stop us from opening to the abundance that must be
                                                              within us, living beings that we are. Why can’t we be as
                                                              generous as trees?

                                                              How to Open Up
                                                              How do we go about challenging and opening up our
                                                              stingy attitudes about reality?

                                                              First, we pay close attention to our thoughts and
           “The World Could be Otherwise: Imagination and the
                                                              viewpoints, which are expressions of our attitudes.
           Bodhisattva Path”
                                                              If as living beings we are heir to a generous spirit,
           By Norman Fischer Shambhala Publications, 224
                                                              what blocks it? We have to investigate this. We have to
           pages, paperback, $17.95
                                                              become diligent students of our own minds, messy and
                                                              unpleasant as they often are.
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