Page 48 - EH69
P. 48
The Significance
of Kaṭhina: An
Experience at
Zhi Yi is a practicing By Zhi Yi Wong
pharmacist. He is currently
doing a PhD in Immunology at
University of Oxford. He was I remember reading about a Pāli word that means ‘deathless
Amaravati during my teenage years
realm’, signifying our aspiration to
the president of Nottingham and could not believe I have stepped attain Nibbāna through the practice
Buddhist Society (Malaysia) foot into the monastery many times of wisdom and compassion. It
and active in Young Buddhist since. I was still an undergraduate is impossible to learn about the
Association of Malaysia and student when I first went to monastery before first knowing
Bodhi Buddhist Fellowship Amaravati. Together with some Ajahn Sumedho. Ajahn Sumedho was
Malaysia. Zhi Yi is also the friends, we used to rent a car and ordained as a bhikkhu in 1967 and
associate editor of Eastern drove all the way from Nottingham he trained under Ajahn Chah for nine
Horizon. into the north-eastern end of the years at Wat Nong Pah Pong in Ubon
Chiltern Hills. Since then, I have Province, Thailand. He was one of
been volunteering for the Kaṭhina the first Western disciples of Ajahn
celebration every year except Chah, who encouraged him to settle
during the COVID pandemic. in England. In 1976, Ajahn Sumedho
invited Ajahn Chah to Britain. He
Amaravati is a Theravāda Buddhist established Cittaviveka (Chithurst
monastery inspired by the Thai Buddhist Monastery) in West Sussex
Forest Tradition and the teachings in 1979, and founded Amaravati
of the late Ajahn Chah. Amaravati is Buddhist Monastery in 1984.
Luang Phor Passano giving a Dhamma talk after the Kaṭhina robe Temple at Amaravati Forest Monastery.