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           Ajahn Sumedho (pix from           Amaravati Buddhist Monastery is situated in rural Hertfordshire and the original wooden
           Amaravati website)                buildings were dated from 1930s. (Picture taken from Amaravati website)

           The Kaṭhina celebration, which    Paritta chanting or blessings by   day offers plenty of opportunities
           comes at the end of vassa, the three-  the Saṅgha which is then followed   for Dhamma reflections. Firstly,
           month rainy season retreat for    by the offering of food known as   we can practice dāna or the virtue
           Theravāda Buddhist monastics,     piṇḍapāta. The lay followers would   of generosity. Dāna is not just an
           is an occasion when lay devotees   normally queue to offer rice and   action, but also a state of mind. Do
           bring donations to temples,       other types of food to the monastic   we always have the intention to give
           especially new robes for the monks.   community. After lunch, everyone   and help? We are not just donating
           At Amaravati the Kaṭhina ceremony   gathers in the temple when the   materials to the monastery but also
           is simple, and yet it serves as a   Royal Kaṭhina Robe, cloth and other   offering our kindness, mindfulness,
           very important reminder about     requisites are offered to the Saṅgha.   wisdom, and emotional and
           our Dhamma practice. Early in the   A senior monk would then give a   spiritual support to each other. Dāna
           morning, many devotees would      talk on Buddhism (Dhamma Talk).   is the medicine that the Buddha
           drive in from different parts of the                                gives to counteracts and diminishes
           country, wearing their best-looking   Kathina is a day where the monastic   our greed and attachment; so it is
           traditional clothes and bringing   Saṅgha and lay followers would   an occasion for us to check if our
           food and other requisites to offer   come together and work together.   mind is getting greedier. Secondly,
           the Saṅgha, or monastic community.   Can we see the Dhamma behind   it is a wonderful day to practice
           The celebration always start with   all these activities? In fact, Kathina   the pāramī of patience, because

           Kaṭhina Day – the monastic and lay communities come together to make   Paritta chanting by the Saṅgha
           things happen.
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