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           in Singapore. I finished my military service in 1993   and this can be integrated into any treatment model.
           and went to Australia to be ordained the next year. In   Just as the Muslims and Christians use Qur’an and
           fact, I did not expect myself to be ordained in Australia,   Bible respectively in counselling their devotees,
           I merely went with the flow of conditions. I greatly   Buddhist counselling combines Buddha’s teachings and
           appreciate the opportunity to learn from and be guided   counselling techniques as our core principles. This can
           by my teacher.                                     effectively help people facing challenges while greatly
                                                              improving their quality of life.
           Zhi Yi: What inspired you to promote and provide
           Buddhist counselling services? How is it different   We wish to actively promote work that helps people
           to modern Western psychology? How does the         cultivate a wholesome mind, and at the same time guide
           Dhamma complement the modern psychology?           them into the doors of the Noble Eightfold Path, towards
                                                              attaining peace and happiness.
           Ven Ding Rong: In fact, what we are doing now is
           not something new. Since more than 2,500 years     Zhi Yi: What requirements and qualifications do you
           ago, the Buddha had always been concerned about    need to provide Buddhist Counselling?
           the mental health issues of humankind. From his
           arduous undertaking in unfailing practice leading to   Ven Ding Rong: Firstly, one would need to have a good
           enlightenment, to delivering sermons and teaching   grasp of Dhamma knowledge, and a genuine heart to
           all over India, the main focus of Buddha had always   serve and help people who are in need. Using the Four
           been helping people to train their mind, know about   Noble Truths as the framework and guideline, one
           themselves and to see things as they really are, which   further enhances the practice on sīla (moral conduct),
           in turn showed them the way to end their sufferings. As   samādhi (concentration) and pannā (wisdom), as
           a Buddhist, are we following Buddha’s teachings and   well as constantly reflects upon the law of dependent
           footsteps in caring for humankind? With the increasing   origination and tilakkhaṇa (aniccā, dukkha, anattā).
           number of people having mental health issues, Buddhist
           counselling service is seriously lacking in our community   In terms of Western psychological counselling, active
           and this is what we need to work on.               listening, empathy, sincerity, caring, compassion, being
                                                              non-judgemental and mindful are all very important
           Buddhadhamma may be classified as mundane          skills. These are some of the skilful means the Buddha
           (worldly;世间法) and supramundane (transcendent; 出    used when counselling his disciples and the public.

           世间法). Mundane Dhamma teaches about the law of      Pioneers in modern psychology including Carl Jung,
           cause and effect, five precepts, dāna (generosity), sīla   William James and Robert Thouless were influenced in
           (morality) and bhāvanā (meditation). These help people   one way or another by Buddhism in their thoughts.
           to develop worldly happiness and mental well-being. On   It would be desirable if the individual has some form
           the other hand, the aim of transcendental Dhamma is to   of recognised and professional training in counselling.
           uproot mental afflictions and transcend birth and death.   We strive to integrate Dhamma and counselling in our
           Therefore, the Buddha teaches about the Four Noble   courses at Dot Connections so that this can be our
           Truths and dependent originations as antidotes towards   foundation of Buddhist counselling service.
           getting rid of greed, aversion, and delusion.
                                                              Zhi Yi: How do we identify and help people who

           There has been more and more scientific evidence   need counselling?
           showing that kindness has the power to heal.
           Compassion is a very important quality being       Ven Ding Rong: Normally, they are people who
           actively encouraged in Buddhism, it is also strongly   encounter difficulties and confusion in life, and are not
           recommended by Western psychology. The Buddha      able to help themselves. Sometimes, one might bump
           always put human beings at the centre of his teachings,   into unexpected events and lack the confidence to solve
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