Page 56 - EH69
P. 56
The Dharma has no Gender
The Buddha taught that there is no fundamental years of seniority. However, her appeal refused by the
difference between male or female, and every Buddha while he had also consequently decreed that
individual should be valued and treated with justice bhikkhus are not to pay respects to any woman.
and in fairness. Yet scholars have shown that there
are deep seated patriarchal and even misogynistic Min Wei: According to tradition, the Gurudharmas,
elements reflected in the ambivalence towards translated as “rules of respect”, “principles to be
respected”, were stipulated by the Buddha as a pre-
women in the Buddhist scriptures and to some condition for granting his foster mother Mahāprajāpatī
certain extent, some biasness in the socio-cultural
Gautamī the higher ordination, if Mahāprajāpatī
and institutionalized practices that continue in Gautamī accepts these eight rules of respect, that will
Buddhist countries today. However, the Buddha’s be her full ordination. As we know that the Buddha
acceptance of a female monastic order and above did not deny a female ability to achieve high spiritual
all his unequivocal affirmation of their equality development, including the state of an arhat. According
in intellectual and spiritual abilities to achieving to ancient Buddhist texts, there were female nuns who
the highest goals clearly established his position reached enlightenment. Therefore, it’s really difficult
on this. Nevertheless, we ask our three teachers to to understand why the Buddha formed these rules for
nuns. But, it is possible that the Buddha was concerned
address some of the common misconceptions about
due to social circumstances at that point where the
Buddhism and women.
ancient Indian society was mostly patriarchal. For
example, among certain religious cults then, women
During the Buddha’s time, men were in positions of
were barred from practicing certain rites and rituals
power and thus had wider life choices than women. merely on the basis of their gender. Brahman, who dared
Therefore the social and political reality of that time
to teach the Vedas to women, was forever banished from
reflected the rather inferior status of women. As society. Therefore, restrictions imposed by the Buddha
female sangha was a radical decision by the Buddha
were seen as a measure that protected the monastic
at that time, were the 8 Garudhammas (Skt. Guru- community from the radical orthodox.
dharma) a compromise for females to become nuns?
Geshe Dadul: There is said to be no explication, anywhere
Aggacitta: The founding of the Bhikkhunī Saṅgha was
in the Tripiṭaka, of what the Buddha’s thought or reason
by no means novel because there were already female
was behind his decision to lay down these additional 8
renunciants then. There are rules in the Sangha which
Gurudhammas as a requisite for those aspiring to receive
imposes similar restrictions for example a bhikkhuni is
a bhikkhuṇī ordination. Scholars and practitioners alike
not allowed to give a robe to a householder or a male of
may come up with any variety of explanations. They
female renunciate while a bhikkhu is also not allowed
would all be mere speculation, at best.
to personally hands food to a male or female renunciate.
Or would you agree that the 8 Garudhammas are
I believe that the Buddha fully understood the nature
of women’s behavioral patterns in general, particularly not really the teachings of the Buddha, as asserted
by some modern scholars, but inserted into the
when relating to monks. For this reason, he laid down
the 8 Garudhammas as a precaution against their teachings by monks in later years?
possible misbehavior towards monks. In fact, shortly
after Mahāpajāpatī readily accepted the 8 Garudhammas,
Aggacitta: No, I don’t.
she changed her mind and appealed to the Buddha to
Min Wei: It’s really hard to believe the eight
allow bhikkhus and bhikkhunis to pay respects to each
Garudhammas, that severely suppress the status of
other according to seniority. This was contrary to one of
women, originated from the Buddha himself. With
the Garudhammas which required a bhikkhunī to pay
regards to faith, virtue, and wisdom, there is no
respects to a newly ordained bhikkhu even if she had
difference between men and women in Buddhism.