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This phenomenon directly led to the long-
term suppression of Buddhist women’s
groups, and in the end also hindered the Buddhism’s
development of Buddhism. The teachings
of Buddhism is absolute equality of women
Five Precepts
and men in terms of wisdom, ability, rights,
contributions, obligations, cultivation, and
propagation of the Dharma. Obviously, it
Linked to
has nothing to do with gender. Therefore,
it’s time to help women to re-establish their
self-esteem, self-confidence, self-awareness, Lower Levels
and revitalized their energy for a new
beginning. We should let go of our egos and
of Stress,
prejudices and work together for the future of
Geshe Dadul: We can extend both moral
and practical support to whatever existing
authentic female ordination lineages there New Study
are in the world and ensure that they thrive in
all aspects of facilitating a healthy and vibrant
spiritual training and growth for our female
aspirants to a fully devoted spiritual life. We
can also work towards reviving lost lineages
By Craig C Lewis | December 5, 2022
and explore every possible means of restoring
them in accordance with vinaya provisions.
A new study published in PLOS One, a peer-
Written by Geshe Dadul Namgyal and edited
reviewed, open-access scientific journal published
by Martha Leslie Baker.
by the US-based non-profit Public Library of Science,
has underscored the effectiveness of the Buddhist
Venerable Āyasmā path of skillful conduct in day-to-day life as a key
Aggacitta is the founder aspect of maintaining and promoting mental and
of the Sāsanārakkha emotional well-being.
Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS)
in Taiping, Perak, a Pāli The study, conducted in Thailand from late 2019
to September 2022, has demonstrated that people
scholar and a meditation
experiencing higher levels of neuroticism and stress
have a lower risk of developing depression if they
observe the five precepts of Buddhism. And while
Ven. Min Wei is a teacher of e-learning at the
the outcomes indicated that observing the Five
International Buddhist College (IBC) and an
Precepts did not directly influence the link between
independent translator of Buddhism.
neuroticism and depression, the researchers
shared that it did significantly reduce the likelihood
Geshe Dadul Namgyal
of developing depressive symptoms caused by
is a Geshe Lharampa and
perceived stress.
senior resident teacher
at Drepung Loseling “Observing the Five Precepts offers evidence that it
Monastery in Atlanta, buffers the effect of perceived stress on depression,”
Georgia, USA EH the authors stated in their conclusion. “People with