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           Nevertheless, from both the Prātimokṣayāna and     Geshe Dadul: She is mentioned almost everywhere
           Pāramitāyāna sutras,  females have to, from a certain   from Vinaya to Pāramitā to sūtra volumes in the
           point of their spiritual journey, be born as males for   Tibetan Buddhist canons. They include Vinayavastu;
           several lifetimes until they become fully enlightened   Vinayavibhaṅga; Vinaya-kshudraka-vastu, belonging
           Buddhas eventually.                                to the Vinaya section of the canons. She also appears
                                                              in Jātakanidanam in the Pāramitā section, and
           Here, according to a doctoral thesis titled Gender and   Bhadrakalpika, Upaya-kaulsalya, Abhinskramana sūtra,
           the Soteriology Debate in Buddhism: Is a Female Buddha   and Karma-shataka, belonging to the sūtra section.
           Possible in Non-Esoteric Buddhism by Karma Sonam   In particular, Jātakanidanam, Dege 32, Pāramitā
           Palmo, a Ph.D. from Tasmania University, claims that   section, on page 247a2, carries a special story of the
           “… the premises used to rule out a female Buddha,   Buddha related to Yashodharā. After 12 years of being
           according to Śrāvakayāna and Pāramitayāna (non-    away from his father’s place, i.e. 6 years since his
           Tantric Mahāyāna), are not supported by the Buddha‘s   enlightenment, he is back, with a few of his disciples,
           own teachings as recorded in canonical texts, and such   at his father’s palace for lunch at the king’s invitation.
           premise are employed only in the commentaries, and   After the meal, Buddha foresaw Yashodharā becoming
           therefore in the hermeneutic works of later scholars.”   ordained and eventually attaining Arhathood. He
                                                              prepares her by teaching the four noble truths before
           We hardly know much about Yashodharā other than    leaving with his disciples.
           that she became a nun. Are there scriptural sources
           that explain some of her contributions during her   Sometimes we hear comments by certain Buddhist
           life time?                                         teachers that one is born a female because of
                                                              bad karma being done in past lives. How do we
           Aggacitta: I’m not aware of any in the Pāli Canon except   understand such negative comments about women?
           for a Yasodhara-therīyāpadāna, attributed to her in the
           Khuddaka Nikāya, which is obviously a very late work   Aggacitta: Two cases of gender change after full
           in which she describes her past kamma and aspirations   ordination were recorded in the Vinaya canon, one
           related to her relationship with Sumedho the Buddha-to-  each among the bhikkhus and bhikkhunis respectively.
           be, and the desirable results of her past dāna. However,   When they were referred to the Buddha, he decreed that
           nothing is mentioned about her contributions to society.  each was to be transferred to the respective monastic
                                                              communities and their seniority retained without any
           Min Wei: The Princess Yasodharā may occupy only    requirement for re-ordination.
           a small space in the early Buddha narrative, but her
           elusive figure has continued to fascinate Buddhists   The commentary then explained the kammic mechanism
           over the centuries. According to tradition, following   involved in this phenomenon thus: among the two
           the renunciation of Siddhārtha, Yasodharā continued to   genders, the male is superior and the female inferior.
           reside in the palace of King Suddhodana and brought   Therefore, the male gender disappears because of
           up their son Rahula. It appears that she has continued   strong unwholesome kamma and the female gender
           to take an interest in the developments in relation to   is established because of weak wholesome kamma.
           the ascetic life of her husband. When she heard that   Similarly, the female gender disappears because of strong
           her husband has shaved his head, was wearing simple   unwholesome kamma but the male gender is established
           yellow robes and has given up using perfumes and   because of strong wholesome kamma. So, both genders
           garlands, she did likewise. When she heard that he was   disappear because of unwholesome kamma and (the
           having only one meal a day and was sleeping on a low,   opposite) is obtained because of wholesome kamma.
           hard bed, she too had only one meal a day and slept on a
           low, hard bed. When her own family and other relatives   My personal view is that there is nothing negative
           offered to maintain her, she refused their offers and   or positive about this objective explanation of the
           when several eligible princes offered to marry her, she   mechanism of kamma. Moreover, it also shows that both
           rejected their proposals.                          genders are produced by wholesome kamma although
                                                              the strength varies.
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