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P. 48
From Skepticism
to Enlightenment
By Scott Snibbe
Scott Snibbe is a new media artist and meditation teacher, author
of How to Train a Happy Mind, and host of the Skeptic’s Path to
Enlightenment podcast. As a 25-year student of Tibetan Buddhism,
his teachers include Lama Zopa Rinpoche and His Holiness the
Dalai Lama. Snibbe’s art can be found in the collections of New
York MoMA and the Whitney Museum of American Art, and he has
collaborated with musicians and filmmakers including Björk, Philip
Glass, Beck, and James Cameron.
Benny Liow asks Scott about his early interest in Buddhism,
the difference between the practice of analytical meditation
and mindfulness meditation, his Podcast The Skeptic’s Path to
Enlightenment, and his recent book How to Train a Happy Mind.
Benny: You are a successful much of what is supposed to make
interactive media artist, author you happy in life: a good job,
and entrepreneur. What attracted nice place to live, good friends,
you to Buddhism, especially some wealth. And yet, I still often
Tibetan Buddhism? felt dissatisfied, anxious, and
judgmental, seemingly for no
I was attracted to Buddhism after reason. So I accepted an invitation
seeing the Dalai Lama speak in from my brother to hear the Dalai
Los Angeles 25 years ago. I was Lama speak. My brother had
a 30-year-old who had achieved been following His Holiness for