Page 43 - EH74
P. 43
If compassion is the active act of helping others who have mirror neurons that allow us to naturally feel some
are suffering, how does one practice compassion by of what those near us are feeling. So, just cultivating
just sitting down meditating? compassion in yourself does help others. And then if you
also decide to engage in caring, helping behaviors based
Compassion is an inner state of feeling warmly connected upon those feelings, that’s quite wonderful
with others and wishing to alleviate their suffering. So,
meditating on compassion increases and enhances It is not uncommon for people to take advantage of
those feelings. Later on, they can also naturally express kind and compassionate people. How do we ensure
themselves by way of your behavior. But, really, even that this does not happen? And how should we
just feeling compassion is wonderful. First of all, as I’ve respond to them?
mentioned, it increases your own sense of well-being,
your feeling of being positively connected with others, and In my work as a psychologist, I’ve found that helping
even improves your health. And, there’s been scientific people develop boundaries comes up very, very often
research showing that people who meditate on love and is extremely important. If we don’t set and hold
and compassion then naturally tend to have improved boundaries with such people, then there’s a good
relations with others around them. Also, even before we chance that we ourselves will end up eventually feeling
consciously engage in behaviors based on how we are depleted, burnt out, or resentful. I find that what’s
feeling, our feelings and emotions do impact those around really important is first to recognize that you don’t have
us. Just think for a moment about what it’s like being in to participate with someone else who is trying to take
a small room with someone who’s feeling anger, hatred advantage of you. Focus on the aspects of relationships
or rage. It’s not pleasant at all. The opposite is true that you yourself have control over. It’s sometimes
regarding spending time around others who are feeling difficult for compassionate people to give themselves
love or compassion. Just feeling such emotions makes permission to set boundaries, asserting control over the
the world around us more peaceful. His Holiness the areas where they have control. But, really, continuing to
Dalai Lama often points out that developing compassion allow someone else to spend their time taking advantage
in ourselves is a contribution to world peace. I think that of another person isn’t helping them in the long run, is
this is how that works. The lack of peace in the world it? So, I think that if another person really is trying to
comes from people’s inner states of greed, paranoia, take advantage of you, then the most compassionate
anger, hatred and rage. Well, inner states of love and thing you can do for yourself and also for them is to set
compassion also naturally effect those around us. We all boundaries and not allow them to do that. EH