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• There are also ten core values that we follow: (1) Can you please share with our readers what is your
Cleanliness, (2) Orderliness, (3) Punctuality, (4) favourite book?
Obedience, (5) Generosity, (6) Selfless – service,
(7) Obuntu Bulamu, (8) Moral conduct, (9) Wise My two favourite books are ‘Buddhism for All’ by Chade-
Compassion and (10) Right Mindfulness. Meng Tan and Soryu Forall, and ‘Mindfulness in Plain
English’ by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana. EH
All Winners, No Losers:
The Buddha’s Teachings on
Animosity & Forgiveness
By Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
Thanissaro Bhikkhu is a monk from being done. This is especially
in the Thai Forest Tradition. true with the bad kamma that in
After moving to Thailand Pali is called vera. Vera is often
and studying under the forest translated as “hostility,” “animosity,”
master Ajaan Fuang Jotiko for or “antagonism,” but it’s a particular
ten years, he returned to the instance of these attitudes: the
US and cofounded the Metta vengeful animosity that wants to
Forest Monastery in San Diego get back at someone for perceived
County, California, where he When you forgive someone who’s wrongs. This attitude is what has no
place in Buddhist practice. Patience
serves as abbot. The translator wronged you, it doesn’t erase that
person’s karma in having done can weaken it, but forgiveness is
of numerous suttas and classical
wrong. This is why some people what clears it out of the way.
texts, his most recent book
think that forgiveness has no place in
is Four Noble Truths. His books
the karmic universe of the Buddha’s The Dhammapada, a popular
and many of his other teachings teachings, and that it’s incompatible collection of early Buddhist poems,
and translations can be found with the practice of what he taught. speaks of vera in two contexts.
online at But that’s not so. Forgiveness may The first is when someone has
not be able to undo old bad kamma, injured you, and you’d like to inflict
but it can prevent new bad karma some injury back. The second is