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P. 23


            Five-Spice Pork Knuckle

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredient
            肘子肉(前肘)            750克                            750 grams pork knuckle meat
                                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            ■ 辅料                                               10 grams ginger slices
            姜片                  10克                            10 grams green onion segments
            葱段                  10克                            5 grams Sichuan peppercorns
            花椒                   5克                            2 pieces star anise
            八角                   2颗                            10 grams mushrooms
            香菇                  10克                            10 grams shredded squid
            鱿鱼丝                 10克                            10 grams dried shrimps
                                                               100 grams light broth
            虾米                  10克
            二汤                 100克                            ■ Seasonings
                                                               1 teaspoon salt
            ■ 调料                                               1 teaspoon MSG
            食盐                 1茶匙                             1 tablespoon light soy sauce
                                                               1 teaspoon white sugar
            味精                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon ground pepper
            生抽                 1汤匙                             2000 grams cooking oil (for frying)
            白糖                 1茶匙                             1 tablespoon starch slurry
            胡椒粉                1茶匙
            食用油(炸制用)           2000克                           ■ Method
                                                               1.  Place the pork knuckle meat into a pot, add enough
            水淀粉                1汤匙                                water and cook until just done. Remove and drain it.
                                                                  Evenly coat the surface of the pork knuckle meat with
            ■ 制作流程                                                light soy sauce.
            1.  将肘子肉放入锅中,加入足量的水,煮至刚熟,                          2.  Heat oil in a wok and deep-fry the pork knuckle meat
                捞出沥干。在肘子肉表面均匀涂抹生抽。                                that has been coated with soy sauce until it turns gold-
            2.  将锅烧热,倒入食用油加热,放入涂好生抽的肘                             en brown. Remove it and immediately immerse it in
                                                                  cold water. Once it is slightly cooled, score the surface
                子肉炸至金黄色。捞出后立刻过冷水。稍微冷却                             of the pork knuckle meat in a crisscross pattern to help
                后,将肘子肉面切成井字状,方便入味和食用。                             it to absorb flavours and make it easier to eat.
            3.  将锅烧热,放入少许油,油热后,放入姜片、葱                          3.  Heat  oil  in  a  separate  wok,  add  ginger  slices,  green
                段、花椒和八角,煸炒出香味。随后加入泡发                              onion segments, Sichuan peppercorns, and star anise,
                的香菇、鱿鱼丝和虾米继续翻炒片刻,最后放入                             stir-frying them to release their fragrance.  Then add
                                                                  the  soaked  mushrooms,  shredded  dried  squid,  and
                炸好的肘子肉铲香。最后加入调味和二汤,铲干                             dried  shrimp,  stir-frying  for  a  brief  moment.  Finally,
                香。                                                add the fried pork knuckle meat and stir-fry it until it
            4.  将肘子肉带皮的一面扣入蒸碗中,撒上炒好的碎                             releases fragrant. Add seasonings and light broth, stir-
                肉及辅料,大火蒸制30分钟,直到肉质软嫩、入                            fry until the liquid is absorbed and the dish is fragrant.
                味。取出后将碗倒扣在盘中,滗出蒸出的汁水。                          4.  Place the pork knuckle meat with the skin-side down in
            5.  将滗出的汁水重新倒入锅中,加入少许水淀粉勾                             a steaming bowl. Scatter the stir-fried ingredients and
                                                                  meat fragments on top. Steam on high heat for 30 min-
                芡至微稠,最后淋在倒扣的肘子肉上即可。                               utes until the meat becomes tender and flavorful. After
                                                                  steaming, invert the bowl onto a serving plate and pour
            ■ 风味特色                                                off the excess liquid.
            香气浓郁,肥而不腻。                                         5.  Pour the liquid into a wok, add a little starch slurry to
                                                                  thicken  the  sauce  slightly.  Finally,  drizzle  the  thicken
                                                                  sauce over the dish and serve.
                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Rich aroma, tender but not greasy.
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