Page 109 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 109


            Radish Cakes

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            白萝卜               1500克                            1500 grams white radish
            粘米粉               1500克                            1500 grams rice flour

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            虾米                 100克                            100 grams dried shrimp
            干鱿鱼                100克                            100 grams dried squid
            三层肉                200克                            200 grams pork belly
            香菇                  50克                            50 grams mushrooms
            芭蕉叶                  1片                            1 piece banana leaf
            清水                 200克                            200 grams water

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            鱼露                 1汤匙                             1 tablespoon fish sauce
            味精                 2茶匙                             2 teaspoons MSG
            猪油                 1汤匙                             1 tablespoon lard
            食盐                 3汤匙                             3 tablespoons salt

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将白萝卜刨成丝,放入锅中煮片刻后捞出,沥干                          1.  Shred  the  white  radish,  blanch  it  in  boiling  water
                水分;三层肉切成粒;虾米、干鱿鱼和香菇用水                             briefly,  then  drain  thoroughly.  Dice  the  pork  belly.
                泡发后,切成小粒备用。                                       Soak the dried shrimp, dried squid and mushrooms
            2.  将锅烧热放入猪油加热,爆香三层肉、虾米、干                             in  water  until  softened,  then  dice  them  into  small
                鱿鱼和香菇。随后与粘米粉、清水和萝卜丝搅拌                             pieces for later use.
                均匀。                                            2.  Heat the wok and add lard to heat. Stir-fry the diced
            3.  将混合好的材料倒入铺有芭蕉叶的粄篦内,用手                             pork belly, shrimp, squid and mushrooms until fra-
                将表面抹平。                                            grant. Mix with the radish with rice flour, water, fish
            4.  将粄篦放入蒸锅中,大火蒸制3小时即可。                               sauce, MSG and salt until well combined.
                                                               3.  Pour the mixture  into a banana  leaf-lined  steamer
            ■ 风味特色                                                tray, smooth the surface with your hand.
            萝卜味浓,可煎可蒸。                                         4.  Place the steamer tray into a steamer and steam over
                                                                  high heat for 3 hours.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Rich radish flavour, can be steamed or pan-fried.

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