Page 113 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 113
Qingming Rice Cakes (Qingming Ban)
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredients
糯米粉 400克 400 grams glutinous rice flour
粘米粉 100克 100 grams rice flour
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
艾叶 50克 50 grams mugwort leaves
苎叶 50克 50 grams ramie leaves
鸡屎藤 20克 20 grams paederia foetida (jī shǐ téng)
白头翁 20克 20 grams pulsatilla (bái tóu wēng)
芭蕉叶(供垫底) 1片 1 piece banana leaf (for lining)
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
白糖 150克 150 grams white sugar
清水 300克 300 grams water
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将艾叶、苎叶、鸡屎藤、白头翁等青草清洗干 1. Clean all the herbs i.e. mugwort leaves, ramie leaves,
净,摘去梗后晾干。然后用料理机将其打碎成细 paederia foetida and pulsatilla thoroughly. Remove
泥,放入大盆中备用。 the stems and let them dry. Use a blender to blend
2. 在青草泥中加入糯米粉、粘米粉、清水和白糖, them into a fine paste and place them in a large bowl.
反复揉搓,直至形成均匀光滑的粄团。 2. Add the glutinous rice flour, rice flour, water and white
3. 将芭蕉叶用沸水烫软后铺在粄篦的底部。取适量 sugar to the herb paste. Knead the mixture thorough-
搓好的粄团,捏成小饼状,放再芭蕉叶上。 ly until it forms a smooth dough.
4. 将粄篦放入蒸锅,用大火蒸制15分钟,即可出 3. Blanch the banana leaf in boiling water to soften it,
锅。 then lay it flat on the bottom of a steamer tray. Take
portions of the dough and shape them into small
■ 风味特色 round cakes. Place them on the banana leaf.
成品嫩绿,味道鲜美。 4. Place the steaming tray into a steamer and steam over
high heat for 15 minutes. Once done, remove and
■ Flavour Characteristics
The finished cakes are tender green with a fresh and de-
licious taste.