Page 115 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 115
Sweet Rice Cakes
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredients
糯米粉 400克 400 grams glutinous rice flour
粘米粉 100克 100 grams rice flour
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
白沙糖 50克 50 grams white sugar
黄糖 100克 100 grams brown sugar
清水 300克 300 grams water
芭蕉叶 1片 1 piece banana leaf
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将白沙糖和黄糖倒入清水中,搅拌至完全溶解, 1. Mix the white sugar and brown sugar with water, stir
制成糖水备用。 until fully dissolved to make a sugar syrup. Set aside.
2. 将糖水倒入糯米粉和粘米粉中,反复揉搓至面团 2. Gradually pour the sugar syrup into the glutinous rice
不粘手且光滑柔软。 flour and rice flour mixture, knead the mixture thor-
3. 将芭蕉叶用沸水烫软后平铺在粄篦的底部。将揉 oughly until it forms a smooth and soft dough that
搓好的甜板面团放平铺在芭蕉叶上,用手轻轻压 does not stick to your hands.
平并抹至光滑。 3. Blanch the banana leaf in boiling water to soften it,
4. 将粄篦放入蒸锅,用中火蒸2小时,直至散发出浓 then lay it flat on the bottom of the steamer tray. Flat-
郁的蕉叶香和甜香味即可出锅。 ten the dough evenly on the banana leaf, press gently
with your hands to smoothen the surface.
■ 风味特色 4. Place the steam tray in a steamer and steam over me-
成品软糯,香甜可口。 dium heat for 2 hours until the fragrance of the ba-
nana leaf and the sweet scent of the cake are evident.
Remove and serve.
■ Flavour Characteristics
The finished product is soft and sticky with a sweet and
fragrant flavour.