Page 147 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 147


            Daping Raw Fish

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredient
            草鱼          1条(约1000克)                             1 grass carp (about 1000 grams)

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            炸花生米                50克                            50 grams fried peanuts
            炸黄豆粒                30克                            30 grams fried soybeans
            青椒圈                 30克                            30 grams green pepper rings
            薄荷叶                 30克                            30 grams mint leaves
            胡椒粒                 20克                            20 grams peppercorns
            姜丝                  30克                            30 grams shredded ginger
            洋葱丝                 30克                            30 grams shredded onion
            蒜蓉                  30克                            30 grams minced garlic
            腌蒜片                 30克                            30 grams pickled garlic slices

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            高山茶油或花生油     2汤匙                                   2 tablespoons mountain tea oil or peanut oil
            客家娘醋(或甜醋)      5汤匙                                 5 tablespoons Hakka vinegar or sweet vinegar
            美极鲜酱油              2汤匙                             2 tablespoons Meiji seasoning sauce

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  砍掉鱼尾,让鱼慢游,至鱼血放干净。                              1.  Cut off the fish tail and let the fish swim slowly to
            2.  从鱼背下刀,去除内脏,再剥去鱼皮鱼鳞。将鱼                             drain the blood completely.
                放在干透的砧板上,剔除脊椎骨和腩肋骨,取出                          2.  Cut along the back of the fish to remove the internal
                两侧鱼肉。                                             organs, then peel off the fish skin and scales. On a
            3.  用干净毛巾将鱼肉擦干净后冷藏10分钟,再将                             dry chopping board, remove the backbone and rib
                鱼肉切成薄片或条状,均匀摆放在竹筛(冰盘)                             bones, then extract the meat from both sides.
                上。                                             3.  Wipe the fish meat dry with a clean towel and refrig-
            4.  食用时,将自己喜欢的辅料放入碗中,淋上美极                             erate for 10 minutes. After refrigeration, slice the fish
                鲜酱油和高山茶油。将鱼生在客家娘醋中浸泡八                             meat into thin slices or strips, arrange them evenly
                秒,捞起后放入装好辅料的碗中,拌匀便可食                              on a bamboo tray or an iced plate.
                用。                                             4.  When serving, place your preferred auxiliary ingredi-
                                                                  ents into a bowl, drizzle with Meiji seasoning sauce
            ■ 风味特色                                                and mountain tea oil. Dip the fish slices into Hakka
            嫩滑爽口,鲜甜味美。                                            vinegar for eight seconds, then transfer to the bowl
                                                                  with the auxiliary ingredients, mix well and enjoy.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Tender and smooth, refreshing and delicious.

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