Page 149 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 149
Radish Ball Stew
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredient
白萝卜 750克 750 grams white radish
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
三层肉粒 100克 100 grams diced pork belly
芹菜粒 10克 10 grams diced celery
二汤 300克 300 grams light broth
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
食盐 2茶匙 2 teaspoons salt
味精 1茶匙 1 teaspoon MSG
生粉 2汤匙 2 tablespoons cornstarch
食用油 1汤匙 1 tablespoon cooking oil
胡椒粉 1茶匙 1 teaspoon ground pepper
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将白萝卜削皮洗干净,用刨丝器将其刨成细丝, 1. Peel and clean the white radish, then grate it into
加入食盐拌匀腌制两分钟,再用手挤干多余水 thin shreds. Add salt to the shredded radish and let
分。 it sit for two minutes. Squeeze out the excess water
2. 将三层肉粒、芹菜粒和生粉加入萝卜丝中,搅拌 from the radish shreds by hand.
均匀后,捏成大小均匀的丸子,摆放在盘中。 2. Add the diced pork belly, diced celery and cornstarch
3. 将盘子放入蒸锅,用大火蒸制8分钟后取出。将 to the radish shreds. Mix thoroughly and shape the
锅烧热后放入少许油加热,将蒸好的萝卜丸煎至 mixture into evenly sized balls. Place them on a plate.
表面金黄色。 3. Place the plate in a steamer and steam the radish
4. 将煎好的萝卜丸放入砂煲中,倒入二汤,煮沸 balls over high heat for 8 minutes. Heat the wok and
后,加入盐和味精调味,最后撒上胡椒粉即可出 add a small amount of oil to heat, fry the steamed
锅。 radish balls until they are golden brown on outside.
4. Transfer the fried radish balls into a clay pot. Pour the
■ 风味特色 light broth and bring it to a boil. Season with salt and
清甜可口,口感软滑,色泽透亮。 MSG, then sprinkle ground pepper on top. Serve hot.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Lightly sweet, soft, smooth and translucent.