Page 153 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 153


            Stuffed Yellow Rice Cakes

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredient
            黄粄           1块(约800克)                             1 block of yellow rice cake (about 800 grams)

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            三层猪肉               100克                            100 grams pork belly
            泡发香菇                 2个                            2 soaked mushrooms
            干鱿鱼                 50克                            50 grams dried squid
            荞麦苗或九梗里             50克                            50 grams buckwheat sprouts or Jiugengli

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            食盐                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon salt
            味精                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon MSG
            生抽                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon light soy sauce
            胡椒粉                1茶匙                             1 teaspoon ground pepper
            猪油                 2汤匙                             2 tablespoons lard
            鱼露                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon fish sauce

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将三层猪肉、香菇、荞麦苗和干鱿鱼切成小粒备                          1.  Dice the pork belly, mushrooms, buckwheat sprouts
                用。                                                and dried squid, then set aside.
            2.  将锅烧热后放入猪油加热。先煸香三层猪肉,再                          2.  Heat the wok and add lard to heat. stir-fry the pork
                加入香菇和干鱿鱼继续煸炒,加入少许生抽调                              belly  until  fragrant,  then  add  the  mushrooms  and
                味,最后加入荞苗翻炒,制成馅料。                                  dried  squid,  continue  to  stir-fry.    Add  a  little  light
            3.  黄粄切成长方形条块(长7厘米宽4厘米高3厘                             soy sauce for seasoning. Finally, add the buckwheat
                米),中间挖空成凹槽状,酿入调好的馅料。                              sprouts and stir-fry to make the stuffing.
            4.  将锅烧热倒入适量的油加热。将酿好的黄粄煎至                          3.  Cut the yellow rice cake into rectangular strips (7 cm
                表面金黄,外皮起麻皮微焦状,装盘后蒸10分钟                            long, 4 cm wide and 3 cm high). Hollow out the cen-
                即可。                                               ter to form a groove and stuff it with the prepared
            ■ 风味特色                                             4.  Heat a wok and pan-fry the stuffed yellow rice cake
            色泽金黄,弹牙可口。                                            until the surface becomes golden brown and slightly
                                                                  crispy. Then arrange the fried stuffed yellow rice cake
                                                                  on a plate and steam for 10 minutes before serving.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Golden colour, chewy and delicious.

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