Page 163 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 163


            Wuhua Stuffed Tofu

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            嫩豆腐                4大块                             4 large pieces of soft tofu
            猪前夹肉               250克                            250 grams pork shoulder
            熟黄豆                100克                            100 grams cooked soybeans
                                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            ■ 辅料                                               10 grams dried shallots
            干葱                  10克                            10 grams chopped green onions
            葱花                  10克                            100 grams fires smoked vain vegetable or lettuce
            火烟脉菜或生菜            100克
                                                               ■ Seasonings
                                                               1 teaspoon salt
            ■ 调料                                               ½ teaspoon ground pepper
            食盐                 1茶匙                             2 teaspoons cornstarch
            胡椒粉               半茶匙                              1 teaspoon light soy sauce
            生粉                 2茶匙                             1 teaspoon oyster sauce
            生抽                 1茶匙                             2 teaspoons Zijin pepper sauce
            蚝油                 1茶匙                             3 tablespoons light broth
                                                               2 tablespoons cooking oil
            紫金椒酱               2茶匙                             2 tablespoons starch slurry
            二汤                 3汤匙
            食用油                2汤匙                             ■ Method
            水淀粉                2汤匙                             1.  Mince the pork shoulder and dice the dried shallots.
                                                                  Mix them with salt, MSG, ground pepper and corn-
                                                                  starch to make the stuffing.
            ■ 制作流程
            1.  将猪前夹肉剁碎,干葱切粒,加入食盐、味精、                          2.  Cut  the  soft  tofu  into  triangular  shapes.  Secure  a
                                                                  piece of tofu in your left hand, use your right index
                胡椒粉和生粉,拌匀并挞成馅料。                                   finger to make a hole in the middle of the slanted
            2.  嫩豆腐切成三角形,左手虎口握紧豆腐,用右手                             surface. Then, use your thumb to push the stuffing
                食指在斜面中间插孔,然后用拇指配合,将馅料                             into the tofu until it is tightly stuffed, smoothe the
                推塞至豆腐中,确保馅料饱满紧实,表面轻抚至                             surface.
                圆润。                                            3.  Heat the wok and add appropriate amount of oil to
            3.  将锅烧热后放入适量的油加热。将带肉的一面煎                             heat, pan-fry the filled side of the tofu until golden
                                                                  brown. Then add the light broth, cooked soybeans,
                香煎至金黄色,随后渗入二汤,再加入熟黄豆、                             oyster sauce, light soy sauce and ground pepper for
                蚝油、生抽、胡椒粉等调味。                                     seasoning.
            4.  盖锅焖熟后,加入水淀粉勾芡,再盛入烧热的砂                          4.  Cover and simmer until fully cooked. Then, add the
                煲中,撒上葱花即可。                                        starch slurry to thicken the sauce. Transfer to a heat-
                                                                  ed clay pot and sprinkle with chopped green onions.
            5.  食用时,用火烟脉菜或生菜包裹酿豆腐,再蘸紫                          5.  For  serving,  wrap  the  stuffed  tofu  in  fires  smoked
                                                                  vain vegetable or lettuce and dip it in Zijin chili sauce
                                                                  for a unique flavour experience.
            ■ 风味特色
            烧咸肥香嫩滑、豆味浓郁、营养丰富。                                   ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               The dish is savory, rich, tender and smooth, with a strong
                                                               bean flavour and high nutritional value.
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