Page 165 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 165


            Steamed Pig Head

            ■ 主料                                              ■ Main Ingredient
            新鲜猪头              1500克                           1500 grams fresh pig head

            ■ 辅料                                              ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            葱花                  20克                           20 grams chopped green onions
            芹菜花                 20克                           20 grams chopped celery leaves

            ■ 调料                                              ■ Seasonings
            蚝油                 2茶匙                            2 teaspoons oyster sauce
            食盐                 5茶匙                            5 teaspoons salt
            胡椒粉                1茶匙                            1 teaspoon ground pepper
            玉米淀粉               2茶匙                            2 teaspoons cornstarch

            ■ 制作流程                                            ■ Method
            1.  将带肉的猪头壳用温水洗净血水和骨碎。                            1.  Clean  the pig  head  (with  the meat on)  thoroughly
            2.  随后将猪头壳斩成大小合适的方块(建议购买时                            with warm water to remove any blood and bone frag-
                让商家代为砍好,因需用锋利砍骨刀)。                               ments.
            3.  将猪头块与蚝油、食盐、胡椒粉和玉米淀粉拌                          2.  Then cut the pig’s head into appropriately sized pieces
                匀,腌制30分钟。                                        (it is recommended to ask the butcher to chop it, as a
            4.  将腌好的猪头块放入蒸锅,蒸20分钟左右(或用                           sharp cleaver is needed).
                高压煲高压8分钟)。                                    3.  Mix  the  pig’s  head  pieces  with  oyster  sauce,  salt,
            5.  蒸熟后揭盖,撒入胡椒粉,最后根据个人喜好,                            ground pepper and cornstarch evenly, and marinate
                撒上葱花或芹叶花,提升风味。                                   for 30 minutes.
                                                              4.  Place the marinated pig’s head pieces in a steamer
            ■ 风味特色                                               and steam for 20 minutes (or use a pressure cooker
            味纯肉嫩,香气芬芳。                                           for 8 minutes).
                                                              5.  Once  steamed,  uncover  and  sprinkle  with  more
                                                                 ground pepper, then garnish with chopped green on-
                                                                 ions or celery leaves according to personal preference
                                                                 to enhance the flavour.

                                                              ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                              The dish is tender, flavourful and aromatic with a pure and
                                                              delicate taste.

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