Page 169 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 169
酿腐衣 酿西利
Stuffed Beancurd Sheets and Stuffed Mussels
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredient
五花肉 1000克 1000 grams pork belly
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
木薯粉 100克 100 grams tapioca starch
鱿鱼粒 50克 50 grams diced dried squid
西利(淡菜) 50克 50 grams mussels
2 sheets of bean curd skin
腐衣 2张 3 eggs
鸡蛋 3只
■ Seasonings
■ 调料 2 teaspoons salt
食盐 2茶匙 1 teaspoon chicken powder
鸡粉 1茶匙 1 teaspoon ground pepper
胡椒粉 1茶匙 1 teaspoon MSG
2 teaspoons light soy sauce
味精 1茶匙 2 teaspoons oyster sauce
生抽 2茶匙 2 teaspoons cornstarch
蚝油 2茶匙 2000g cooking oil (for frying)
生粉 2茶匙
食用油(炸制用) 2000克 ■ Method
1. Chop the pork belly (30% fat, 70% lean) into minced
meat and divide into two portions. For the first por-
■ 制作流程 tion, add diced fried squid, tapioca starch and eggs.
1. 选用三肥七瘦的五花肉,剁成肉碎并分成两份。 Mix well. Slap the mixture forcefully and repeatedly
第一份加入煸香的鱿鱼粒、木薯粉和鸡蛋,搅拌 on a countertop until it becomes sticky to form a fill-
并摔打至肉质起胶,制成馅料。 ing.
2. 将馅料捏成条状,卷入腐衣内,并用蛋液封好腐 2. Shape the filling into strips and roll them into the
衣口,整形成长条状待用。 beancurd skin. Seal the edges with egg wash, form
into long rolls. Set aside.
3. 第二份肉碎加入切碎的西利、木薯粉和鸡蛋,搅 3. Mix the second portion of minced pork with chopped
拌摔打至起胶,制成馅料后,搓成一颗颗小丸待 mussels, tapioca starch and eggs. Slap the mixture
用。 forcefully and repeatedly on a countertop until it be-
4. 将锅烧热后倒入食用油加热。依次将酿腐卷和酿 comes sticky to form a filling. Shape the filling into
西利下锅,浸炸10分钟左右,熟透后捞起。 small balls.
5. 将炸好的酿腐卷切成段后摆放在盘碟外围,酿西 4. Heat the wok and pour in the cooking oil to heat.
利放在中间,即可上桌。 Deep-fry the stuffed beancurd rolls and stuffed mus-
sels balls separately for about 10 minutes until thor-
oughly cooked. Remove and drain the excess oil.
■ 风味特色 5. Cut the stuffed bean curd rolls into segments and ar-
鲜香酥脆,口感细腻,百吃不厌。 range them around the outer edge of a plate. Place
the stuffed mussels in the center, and the dish is
ready to serve.
■ Flavour Characteristics
The dish is fragrant, crispy, and delicately textured, mak-
ing it an endlessly enjoyable treat.