Page 171 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 171


            Jiepo Dish (Maternal Grandmother’s Dish)

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredients
            猪前夹肉               500克                            500 grams pork shoulder
            咸菜叶                  1片                            1 large pickled vegetable leaf

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            葱花                  10克                            10 grams chopped green onions
            干葱                  20克                            20 grams shallots

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            食盐                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon salt
            胡椒粉               半茶匙                              ½ teaspoon ground pepper
            生抽                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon light soy sauce
            南薯粉                1茶匙                             1 teaspoon sweet potato starch
            食用油                2汤匙                             2 tablespoons cooking oil

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将肥瘦相间的猪前夹肉切成小粒,干葱头切粒,                          1.  Dice the pork shoulder into small pieces and dice the
                随后加入食盐、生抽和南薯粉调味,搅拌均匀后                             shallots.  Then  season  meat  pork  and  shallots  with
                稍加摔打,使肉馅更有弹性。                                     salt,  light  soy  sauce  and  sweet  potato  starch.  Mix
            2.  将大片咸菜叶对折,夹住调好的肉馅,然后整齐                             well and gently slap the mixture to enhance its elas-
                地摆放在碟上。                                           ticity.
            3.  将整盘菜放入蒸锅中,大火蒸制15分钟后取出。                         2.  Fold the large pickled vegetable leaf in half and sand-
                揭开上层咸菜叶,撒上葱花和胡椒粉,再淋上热                             wich  the seasoned  meat mixture in  between. Ar-
                油,最后将咸菜叶重新盖上,即可上桌。                                range it on a plate.
                                                               3.  Steam the dish in a steamer over high heat for 15
            ■ 风味特色                                                minutes. Remove from the steamer, uncover the top
            味道酸爽,咸香不腻。                                            layer  of  the  pickled  vegetable  layer,  sprinkle  with
                                                                  chopped  green  onions  and  ground  pepper,  drizzle
                                                                  with hot oil. Finally, cover meat again with the pick-
                                                                  led vegetable leaf before serving.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               The dish is pleasantly sour, savory and not greasy.

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