Page 175 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 175


            Héng Bēi Stir-Fry

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredient
            南薯粉丝(浸发好)  约750克                                   750 grams soaked sweet potato vermicelli

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            虾米                  10克                            10g dried shrimp
            咸鱼                  10克                            10 grams salted fish
            鸡杂                  30克                            30 grams chicken giblets
            猪杂                  30克                            30 grams pork offal
            腐竹                  10克                            10 grams dried bean curd sticks
                                                               10 grams firm tofu
            豆干                  10克                            10 grams black fungus
            木耳                  10克                            10 grams mushrooms
            香菇                  10克                            10 grams white part of green garlic
            蒜白                  10克
                                                               ■ Seasonings
            ■ 调料                                               1 teaspoon salt
            食盐                 1茶匙                             ½ teaspoon ground pepper
            胡椒粉               半茶匙                              1 teaspoon light soy sauce
            生抽                 1茶匙                             2 tablespoons cooking oil
            食用油                2汤匙                             3 tablespoons chicken broth
            鸡汤                 3汤匙
                                                               ■ Method
            ■ 制作流程                                             1.  Cut the chicken giblets, pork offal, dried bean curd
            1.  将鸡杂、猪杂、豆腐干和腐竹切条,木耳、蒜白                             sticks and firm tofu into strips.  Slice the black fungus,
                和香菇切丝,南薯粉丝浸泡至软备用。                                 garlic whites and mushrooms. Soak the sweet potato
                                                                  vermicelli until softened, than set aside.
            2.  将锅烧热后放入适量的油加热。将切好的条状食                          2.  Heat the wok and add appropriate amount of oil to
                材下锅煸炒出香味,盛出备用。                                    heat. Stir-fry the strips of ingredients until fragrant,
            3.  重新起将锅烧热,放入咸鱼和虾米爆香,再加入                             then set aside.
                条状和丝状食材,一起翻炒均匀。                                3.  Heat the wok again, stir-fry the salted fish and dried
            4.  加入泡好的粉丝翻炒,然后倒入鸡汤,调味后略                             shrimp until aromatic. Add the strips and sliced in-
                焖即可。                                              gredients, stir-frying them together evenly.
                                                               4.  Add  the  soaked  vermicelli  and  continue  stir-frying,
            ■ 风味特色                                                then pour in the chicken broth and season with salt,
            咸香可口,层次丰富。                                            ground pepper and soy sauce. Simmer briefly, then

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               The dish is savory, fragrant and has a rich layered texture.

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