Page 179 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 179


             Wuhua Raw Fish

            ■ 主料                                              ■ Main Ingredient
            草鱼          1条(约1000克)                            1 grass carp (about 1000 grams)

            ■ 辅料                                              ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            炸花生米                50克                           50 grams fried peanuts
            青尖椒圈                30克                           30 grams sliced green chili peppers
            薄荷叶                 20克                           20 grams mint leaves
            胡椒粒                 20克                           20 grams peppercorns
            炸芋丝                 30克                           30 grams fried yam strips
            白萝卜丝                30克                           30 grams shredded white radish
            洋葱丝                 30克                           30 grams shredded onions
            腌蒜片                 30克                           30 grams pickled garlic slices

            ■ 调料                                              ■ Seasonings
            花生油                 3汤匙                           3 tablespoons peanut oil
            蒜蓉醋                 5汤匙                           5 tablespoons garlic vinegar
            (薄荷1:2蒜蓉加糯米醋)                                     (mix the mint and minced garlic in a 1:2 ratio and glutinous
                                                              rice vinegar)
            ■ 制作流程
            1.  将草鱼敲晕,放净鱼血(放血是关键,否则鱼肉                         ■ Method
                会发红并带血腥味)。                                    1.  Stun the grass carp and thoroughly drain the blood
            2.  刮去鱼鳞,开膛除去内脏,剥去鱼皮。放置在干                            (this is crucial, as incomplete bleeding will result in
                透的砧板上,从鱼背开始剔除脊椎骨和腩肋骨,                            the meat turning red and have bloody smell).
                取下两侧鱼肉。                                       2.  Descale the fish, gut it and peel off the skin.  Place the
            3.  将鱼肉清洗干净并擦干水分后,将鱼肉切成0.5毫                          fish on a dry chopping board, starting from the back,
                米的薄片,均匀地摆放在竹筛(冰盘)上。                              remove the backbone and rib bones, take out the fil-
                                                                 lets from both sides.
            4.  食用时,夹起竹筛上的鱼生,放入盛有蒜蓉醋的                         3.  Wash the fillets and pat them dry.  Slice the fish into
                大碗中,浸泡八秒左右捞出,再放入倒有纯净花                            0.5 mm thin  pieces and  arrange them evenly on  a
                生油的大碗拌匀。然后将适量鱼肉夹到各自的小                            bamboo sieve or ice plate.
                碗中,拌上辅料即可享用。                                  4.  When serving, take the fish slices from the bamboo
                                                                 sieve, dip them into a large bowl of garlic vinegar for
            ■ 风味特色                                               about eight seconds, then transfer them to another
            嫩滑爽口,鲜甜味美。                                           bowl with pure peanut oil and mix well.  Place a por-
                                                                 tion of fish in each small bowl, add the auxiliary ingre-
                                                                 dients and enjoy.

                                                              ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                              The  dish  is  tender,  smooth,  refreshing  and  deliciously

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